Travis CI

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Travis CI
Basic data

Maintainer Travis CI
developer Konstantin Haase, Mathias Meyer, Fritz Thielemann, Sven Fuchs, Josh Kalderimis
Publishing year 2011
Current  version 2013-11-11
(November 11, 2013)
operating system Web
programming language Ruby
category Continuous integration
License MIT license

Travis CI is free and open source software for continuous integration .

Travis CI was created in Berlin in 2011 and published in August 2013. The software is suitable for testing and creating projects that are published on GitHub . Open source projects can be integrated cloud-based free of charge with the help of, while the paid website has been available for private projects since 2014.

For integration there is the YAML file .travis.yml , which contains parameters for configuration and is to be stored in the root directory of the project. GitHub notifies Travis CI projects of changes. Travis CI then checks the relevant branch and executes the instructions from the configuration file (e.g. update software, test, generate reports or send e-mails).

The programming languages C , C ++ , C # , Clojure , Crystal , D , Dart , Elixir , Erlang , F # , Go , Groovy , Haskell , Haxe , Java , JavaScript , Julia , Objective-C , Perl , PHP , Python , R , Ruby , Rust , Scala , Smalltalk , Swift and Visual Basic supported.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander Neumann: Continuous Integration: Using Travis CI behind the firewall. In: heise Developer . Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG, December 1, 2014, accessed on April 12, 2017 .
  2. Tam Hanna: CI servers in comparison: Jenkins vs. CruiseControl vs. Travis. Which Continuous Integration Server is right for me? In: Jaxenter. Software & Support Media GmbH, April 7, 2016, accessed on April 12, 2017 (English).
  3. Manuel Pais: Travis CI Announces Support for Java and Plans for Travis Pro. In: InfoQ. C4 Media Inc., February 23, 2012, accessed April 11, 2017 .
  4. Tim Heckel: Meet Travis CI: Open Source Continuous Integration. In: InfoQ. C4 Media Inc., February 18, 2013, accessed April 11, 2017 .