Tribal Wars 2

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Tribal Wars 2
Logo TribalWars2 small.PNG
Studio InnoGames
Publisher InnoGames
Senior Developer Nino Protic
September 2, 2014 (Open Beta)
platform Web browser , Android , iOS
genre Real-time strategy game , browser game
language 19 languages

Tribal Wars 2 is a massive multiplayer online and real-time strategy game developed by the German company Innogames and the successor to The Tribes . It is about building and conquering virtual villages in competing player associations.


You start with a village in the middle of other players and non-player villages in a virtual world. Buildings must now be expanded in your own village in order to activate and improve various functions such as the recruiting of military units in it. With the expansion, the village gains points, which are important for the ranking in retro worlds and can be seen as an indicator of the game progress. In the course of the game you join a "tribe" or found one. A tribe is a community of players who work together to achieve the goal of the game. The victory, battle and normal points of the tribe are calculated from the sum of the respective points of the members.

goal of the game

Retro worlds: The aim is to collect as many points and battle points as possible for yourself and as many villages as possible for your own tribe. If a tribe manages to hold 70% of all villages of the ten largest tribes for four weeks, the so-called "endgame" begins, in which no one can register again on the game world. If a tribe manages to hold 80% of all villages for four weeks, the tribe has officially won the world. All members are honored in the official forum of the game, the three players with the most battle points and points are additionally honored.

Victory point worlds: You have to collect as many victory points as possible. If a tribe has a certain number of victory points, it wins the world and is honored with all members in the forum. The players with the most victory points and battle points are honored separately.

If a world is won, it will be closed after a while, which means that no one can log on to it anymore. Later the world will be completely ended and deleted from the server.

Game mechanics

The fight

The fight between players and tribes is the central element of Tribal Wars 2. In each village, troops can be built which are better suited for the offensive or defensive. These units can be used to attack villages using the world map. Depending on the distance from the attacking village to the attacked village and the speed of the deployed troops, these run a corresponding time to the village. In the same way, troops can be sent to a village as support, where they support the village's own troops in defense, but cannot be sent from there to attack, as they are still tied to their own village. With the "Relocate" function, troops can be completely made available to another village, but only if this belongs to the same player. The speed of the current units depends on the speed of the slowest type of troop deployed. The battle takes place between all the troops in the attacked village and the attacking troops. There is no fighting on the way to the villages. Also, attacking troops from different villages can never attack together, even if they arrive at the same time.

Conquer villages

You can also conquer villages by fighting. For this you need the special unit “noble family” (AG for short), which is recruited in the Academy building . A noble family has very poor combat characteristics, but a special skill that lowers a value called “approval” from the standard 100 by 20 to 35 when attacking a village that does not die. If the approval falls into the negative range, the village belongs to the attacker and the AG is destroyed.

Spy system

It is possible to train up to five spies via the “Tavern” building . As long as they are in the tavern, they defend the village against attacking spies. But they can also be sent to other villages. Here you can take on three different tasks:

- Spying on buildings

- Spy troops

- Sabotaging a building

The more spies are sent and the fewer spies defend the opposing village, the higher the chances of success. In addition, the success of technologies that can be unlocked in the tavern is influenced. In addition, countermeasures can be activated here which can falsify the results of unsuccessful espionage attacks.

Victory points

With version 1.85 the victory points were added to the game. They serve as a new game objective. The tribe that has a certain number of victory points wins. The number to be achieved is different for each language version. You receive victory points for each province (demarcated area on the world map) in which you have one or more villages. Each player receives only one victory point per province, regardless of the number of villages. The victory points of all players in a tribe add up to those of the tribe.

Payment model

Tribal Wars 2 is financed through microtransactions. The players can buy optional in-game currency, the so-called "crowns", which in turn are used to buy in a shop included in the game, in the barracks or at some other selected locations. Purchased items are stored in the inventory, where many things can also be accessed. You can buy:

- Packages: compilations of different content.

- Officers: Can also be bought in the "Send Troops" window. Improve the characteristics of running troops.

- Other: Mainly, but not exclusively, items to speed up the production of raw materials or troops.


According to Innogames, the goal was to build a game in the style of The Tribes , which should offer more options and more modern graphics with the latest software. Instead of completely overtaking the aging predecessor, it was decided to program a completely new game in order to give the community of players of the old game the opportunity to continue playing as usual.


magazine Rating
MMO games 3/10
ProSieben Games 3/5

The MMOG portal assessed that Tribal Wars 2 had all the features that would have made its predecessor a hit, and that it “went one better”. The portal praised the game's graphics and interface, but criticized the immature new features. The magazine ProSieben Games of ProSiebenSat.1 Media praised the cross-platform design, which allows the game access from different devices, and optimized for mobile devices operating interface. The magazine noted negatively that Tribal Wars 2 is not a visual highlight and is essentially identical to its predecessor in terms of functionality. ProSieben Games assessed that the game is not suitable for casual and solitary players, but offers the demanding player a lot of tactical depth. The French Gamezine positively highlighted the “restrained” payment model of the “thoroughbred and tough strategy game” and criticized the lack of a French translation (at the time of the test). In summary, the magazine rated Tribal Wars 2 as “full of passion for strategy and PvP battles”. criticized the game principle of Tribal Wars 2 as "generic", it imitates other games down to the last detail and does not have the spectacular graphics of some competing products. Overall, the magazine judged that Tribal Wars 2 seemed "directionless" in that it did not give the player any motivating goals in terms of the construction or the combat components.

Individual evidence

  5. a b Tribal Wars 2 Review. Retrieved March 9, 2018 .
  6. a b Tribal Wars 2 Test: Not for casual gamers! Retrieved March 7, 2018 .
  7. Tribal Wars 2 Review. Retrieved March 7, 2018 .
  8. On a Testé Tribal Wars 2. Accessed March 7, 2018 (French).