Wearing trimps

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The Trimpsentragen , Tremsentragen or Trimpseneierholen is an early modern Westfalen occupied folk custom .


In this custom, bouquets of cornflowers were carried from house to house in return for attracting smaller foods such as eggs.

The custom was carried out by people of both sexes, the Trems-wearers . The consumption of the acquired goods in common feasts ( Tremsenessen ) was suspected of licentiousness.

However, there was also concern and public rejection due to the trampling of the crops while picking the cornflowers.

In the years 1575, 1580, 1593 and 1594, for the city of Soest, several attempts, apparently initially unsuccessful, to prevent this popular practice by a council resolution.


  • Carrying trimps or fetching eggs from trimps In: Journal of the Association for the History of Soest and the Börde, pp. 81–84

See also