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Tricesisms were a special tax in the Duchy of Württemberg . It was the 30th part of crops and wine and served to finance the ducal household troops .

On May 14, 1691, Duke Administrator Friedrich Carl converted the previous Landesdefensions regiments into regular soldiers. The additional costs were raised by a poll and family tax and the levying of the tricisms. After the Duke administrator got into French captivity in a battle between Pforzheim and Ötigsheim in the autumn of 1692, the "co-guardian" Duchess Magdalene Sybille released the regulated land militia again, the tresesisms were no longer raised.

Duke Eberhard Ludwig wrote out the Trizesisms again without the consent of the estates . The dispute over the financing was settled in 1724 and the tricesisms were finally abolished.


  • Leo Ignaz von Stadlinger: History of the Württemberg War , K. Hofdruckerei zu Guttenberg, Stuttgart 1856
  • Günther Cordes: The House of Württemberg and the military history of the country in Robert Uhland (Ed.): 900 years House of Württemberg , Verlag Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-17-008536-0