Trustix Secure Linux

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Trustix Secure Linux (TSL) was a freely available Linux distribution . TSL was developed by the company of the same name, Trustix (now part of the Comodo Group). The last version that was released was 3.0.5. In November 2007 the discontinuation of the distribution became known. There have been no more security updates since the beginning of 2008.

TSL was specially trimmed for security and designed for server operation. For this reason, some functions such as audio playback or a graphical user interface were not offered. The latest Trustix version, however, included all modern services that a Linux (web) server can provide. Some are for example:

and many more.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Trustix Secure Linux 3.0.5 has been released
  2. Press release on the release of version 3.0.5 ( Memento of October 17, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Trustix Secure Linux discontinued