Tsukamoto Kunio

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Tsukamoto Kunio ( Japanese 塚 本 邦 雄 ; * August 7, 1920 , † March 9, 2005 ) was a Japanese poet. His eldest son, Tsukamoto Seishi (* 1949), is also a writer and writer of historical novels.

Tsukamoto emerged as the author of Tanka after World War II and was praised by Mishima Yukio for "the purity of his aesthetic sensibility". Together with Terayama Shūji and later Okai Takashi , he was one of the leading exponents of avant-garde tanka poetry in Japan. He has published several volumes of poetry, including Suiso monogatari ( 水葬 物語 , 1952), Sōshoku gakku ( 装飾 樂句 , 1956), Nihonjin Reika ( 日本人 靈 歌 , 1958), Yugure no kaichō (1971) and Saredo yūsei ( さ れ ど 遊 星 , 1975) .
