Tupinambás de Olivença

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The Tupinambás de Olivença are an indigenous community who live south of Ilhéus in the Olivença district in the south of the Brazilian state of Bahia .

The right to self-determination of the Tupinambás de Olivença is repeatedly questioned by politicians and private individuals. The Tupinambás de Olivença are regularly confronted with bureaucratic and legal attacks. In 2014, the ethnic group counted 4669 people.

The Tupi populated most of the Atlantic coast near the Portuguese arrived in Brazil. The Tupinambás de Olivença use their name to refer socially, culturally and historically to the original settlement of the region before colonization. Today all residents of the parishes speak Portuguese.

In the second half of the 20th century, the pressure on the indigenous population around Olivença increased due to the cocoa boom, which attracted many investors to the region. As a result, people had to retreat further and further into the forest and barely had access to water and land.

On the basis of the new constitution of 1988, the indigenous people tried to obtain legal recognition. They have been recognized as an ethnic group by the FUNAI indigenous authority since 2001 and the first phase of the demarcation process was completed in 2009.

To enforce their rights, the indigenous people carried out several retomadas . As retomadas land occupations refer to operations where Indigenous to take back their ancestral land by occupying it. This led to numerous disputes with the large landowners who claim the land for themselves. The municipality was occupied several times by the federal police. The leader Cacique Babau and two other brothers were detained by the federal police for several months in 2010, until a judge dismissed the charges as unfounded and incorporated the accused into a protection program for human rights defenders.

Members of the community continue to face open threats and are thus constantly restricted in their daily lives. In particular, the discourse of the government under President Jair Bolsonaro , which has existed since January 2019, continues to put the indigenous people under pressure because it legitimizes violence against indigenous people.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Quadro Geral dos Povos Instituto Socioambiental. Retrieved March 2, 2019.
  2. Tupinambás de Olivença Instituto Socioambiental (ISA). Retrieved March 2, 2019.
  3. Justiça revoga prisão de indios Tupinambás da Serra do Padeiro Secom - Secretaria de Comunicação Social, Governo do Estado da Bahia. Retrieved March 2, 2019.
  4. Povo Tupinambá de Olivença reafirma Resistência às medidas do governo Bolsonaro Cimi - Conselho Indigenista Missionário. Retrieved March 2, 2019.


  • Susana de Matos Viegas & Jorge Luiz de Paula: Relatório Final Circunstanciado de Identificação da Terra Indígena Tupinambá de Olivença. Fundação Nacional do Índio, Brasília, 2009.