Types of district constitutions

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The collective term county constitutional types are understood regulatory models of the (rural) district orders , the division of decision responsibilities ( competencies ) within the county on its various organs concern.

Just as at the level of the municipalities, there are also different models here in the federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany , the basic concept of which is tailored to the various types of municipal constitutions .

The different organs of a district are:

  • the district council, which is also its main organ; he is responsible for bringing about decisions on his own behalf ( decision-making authority );
  • In North Rhine-Westphalia the district constitution was based on the North German council constitution until 1994; The management of the district administration was the responsibility of the senior district director elected by the district council . It was both an executive and a representative body. Who also selected by the district council district was neither head of the district administration nor the legal representative of the circle, but honorary active Chairman of the County Council and only for the representative responsible representation of the circle.