Underground comix

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U-Comix is an alternative German comic magazine that was founded in 1969 by Raymond Martin .

Starting in 1969, Raymond Martin published mostly unauthorized copies of American underground comix under the title U-Comix , the distribution was done by the “ Volksverlag ” he founded . 17 issues appeared in loose succession, with the volume increasing from 16 to 52 pages. From September 1980 U-Comix appeared regularly on a monthly basis, now partly in color; the numbering of the issues began again at No. 1. In addition to American series by Gilbert Shelton ( Freak Brothers ) and Dave Sheridan , French titles, mainly from the magazine Fluide Glacial founded by Gotlib , have now been included. In addition to Gotlib's own works, comics by artists hitherto unknown in Germany, such as B. Édika , Philippe Foerster and Frank Margerin translated and published.

From 1973 onwards, various individual American and European artists and their works were presented in U-Comix special volumes, anthologies with up to 300 pages in some cases. This series was discontinued in 1982 after 36 editions, not least because in 1981 several volumes were indexed by the Federal Testing Office for writings harmful to young people . The subject of these censorships were exaggerated depictions (overdrawings) of a sexual nature (e.g. depictions of disproportionately large genitals or too large female nipples). Another series, U-Comix Extra , was therefore also discontinued in 1981. As a result, U-Comix made an adapted program, many previous artists were replaced by others.

After 50 issues and after Volksverlag went bankrupt, Alpha Comic Verlag took over the magazine in 1984 . The series U-Comix presented by Alpha appeared from 1986 and the series U-Comix Spezial from 1989 to 1992 . After years of legal dispute because of allegations of endangering young people and the associated uncertainty among dealers, U-Comix was discontinued in 1997 with the publication of double issue 180/181.

With decisions A 119/06 to A 121/06 of September 19, 2006, U-Comix special volumes 6, 10 and 13 were deleted from the list of media harmful to minors.

Reissue (2013)

In 2013, Steff Murschetz from Undergroundcomix.de reissued the title U-Comix. This time, however, it is not comics from abroad that are presented, but local artists. For the Free Comic Day 2013, U-Comix No. 182 was given away in an edition of 10,000 in the nationwide participating comic and book stores. From no. 183 onwards, U-Comix will be published every three months in station bookshops. Every year on Free Comic Day, a free special edition dedicated to a specific topic is published.

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Gazette No. 185, page 6586 of September 29, 2006
  2. Comic Report: U-COMIX returns

Web links