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Basic data

Publishing year January 1994
Current  version 5.6.2
(April 25, 2013)
programming language C.
category Math , numerical linear algebra
License BSD , LGPL , GPL

UMFPACK ( U nsymmetric M ulti F Rontal PACK age) is in ANSI C viewing program library for dissolving unsymmetrical sparse systems of linear equations using the asymmetric multi-head method. Elementary operations of linear algebra are carried out by UMFPACK using an implementation of the BLAS software library.


UMFPACK is part of SuiteSparse, which contains sparse matrices packages that Tim Davis programmed or contributed to. Matlab uses UMFPACK as the standard solution method for sparse matrices .


The UMFPACK license has changed in the last two years from a BSD license to an LGPL and finally in version 5.2 to a GPL license. Some versions of the software were retrospectively placed under the LGPL, so that differently licensed versions can be found on the Internet.

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