United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq

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operation area Iraq
German name United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq
English name United Nations Administration Mission for Iraq
Based on UN resolution 1500 (2003)
Other UN resolutions 1546 (2004)

1770 (2007)
2299 (2016)
2335 (2016)
2367 (2017)

Type of mission Support mission
Beginning 2003
status ongoing
management Ján Kubiš
Operating strength (max.) about 800
Military out without
Location of the operational area Iraq in its region.svg

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq ( English United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq- UNAMI ) is a United Nations mission . It was created in 2003 on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 1500 . However, the mission is a civil support mission and not a so-called peacekeeping mission.

She exercises her mandate through a special envoy. The first incumbent, Sérgio Vieira de Mello , died in 2003 in the attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad , which had served as the headquarters of the United Nations in Iraq. His successors in office were Ashraf Qazi (2004–2007), Ad Melkert (2009–2011), Martin Kobler (2011–2013) and Nikolay Mladenov (2013–2015). Since then, Ján Kubiš has been the special envoy for Iraq and, with it, the unfortunately of the mission.


The mission was last extended on July 14, 2017 to July 31, 2018.

The mandate was specified in resolution 1770 (2007) and 2367 (2017).

It includes advising and supporting the people and the government of Iraq with regard to the following tasks:

  • Promoting broad political dialogue and national reconciliation;
  • Design of processes for holding elections and referendums;
  • Review of the constitution and implementation of the constitutional clauses as well as the development of processes for dispute settlement with regard to internal borders;
  • Promoting regional dialogue, including on border security, energy and refugees;
  • Planning, financing and implementing reintegration programs;
  • Preparations for planning to conduct a comprehensive census. The mission also has the task of promoting and supporting the following matters “as circumstances permit” in coordination with the Iraqi government:
  • safe, orderly and voluntary return of refugees and displaced persons as well as coordination and delivery of humanitarian aid;
  • Implementation of the International Pact with Iraq, including coordination with donors and international financial institutions;
  • Coordination and implementation of programs to improve Iraq's capacity to provide basic services to the population, as well as active donor coordination in key reconstruction and aid programs through the International Reconstruction Fund for Iraq (IRFFI);
  • Economic reform, performance improvement and sustainable development, including through coordination with national and regional organizations and, accordingly, with civil society, donors and international financial institutions;
  • Design of effective government services, including, where possible, the implementation of training measures and conferences in Iraq. The mission is also mandated to promote human rights protection and judicial and legal reform to strengthen the rule of law in Iraq.

The support mission is complemented by the multinational force in Iraq .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. UNAMI Leadership. UN, 2017, accessed August 6, 2017 .
  2. Facts about UNAMI. UN, 2017, accessed 2017 .
  3. ^ Resolution 2367 (2017). UN, July 14, 2017, accessed August 6, 2017 .