Ukrainian Soviet Republic

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The Ukrainian Soviet Republic ( Ukrainian Українська радянська республіка ) was a state on the territory of what is now Ukraine in March and April 1918.

Ukrainian People's Republic of the Soviets

On December 30, 1917, the Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets was proclaimed by the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee . This should exercise power in Ukraine in place of the Ukrainian People's Republic . The seat was Kharkov , the governing body was the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets .

Red troops captured large parts of the Ukrainian People's Republic in January 1918. On February 9th, they occupied Kiev. On March 3rd they were driven out of Kiev by German troops .

Ukrainian Soviet Republic

On March 19 in Kharkov, the third congress of delegates from the peasants', workers' and soldiers' councils decided to form the Ukrainian Soviet Republic . This comprised parts of the eastern Ukraine around Kharkov, including the previously dissolved Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet republic . Volodymyr Satonskyj became the chairman of the Central Executive Committee .

On April 18, German troops captured Kharkov and ended the existence of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.

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