Ulf Eriksson (poet)

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Ulf Eriksson (* 1958 in Högdalen , Stockholm ) is a Swedish writer .


An archaeologist by profession , Eriksson made his debut as a poet in 1982 with the volume of poetry Varelser av gräs . Two years later, Det gjorda återstår, his first novel, appeared. As a result, he published novellas and essays in addition to other poetry volumes and novels.

Eriksson has received various prestigious awards in Northern Europe for his work. For example, he was awarded the Norwegian Fruit Field Prize in 1995 and the Dobloug Prize in 1998 . In addition, he received the 2002 Gothenburg-item litteraturpris , 2003 Gerard Bonniers lyrikpris , was awarded the 2005 Signe Ekblad-Eldhs pris excellent and received the 2006 Karl Vennbergs pris and the Ludvig Nordström priset .

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