Ulla H'loch-Wiedey

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against forgetting
The crouching one

Ulla H'loch-Wiedey (born June 17, 1920 in Herford ; † 2002 ) was a Hattingen sculptor. She had her studio in Niederwenigern .


  • Wall relief at the primary school on Rüggenweg, 1963
  • The crouching woman , 1980
  • Against Oblivion , 1987


  • Berit H'Loch-Wiedey, Kay H'Loch-Wiedey, City of Hattingen (ed.): Ulla H'Loch-Wiedey. The human being. Sculptures. City Museum Hattingen, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8196-0754-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. https://hat24.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/museum-erinnert-an-ulla-hloch-wiedey/
  2. https://hat24.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/beruhren-erwunscht-kunst-begreifen-stadtmuseum-sehen-plastiken-der-bildhauerin-ulla-h%E2%80%99loch-wiedey/
  3. https://www.waz.de/staedte/hattingen/der-mensch-skulpturen-id2719648.html