Ulrich Höller

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Ulrich Höller (born January 9, 1966 ) is a German real estate manager.


After completing a degree in business administration in 1991, he initially worked for a national project development group from 1992, and from 1995 as its managing director with sole power of representation. In 1996 he graduated from the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel with a degree in real estate economics (ebs), in 1998 a certified shopping center manager (ebs) and in London the title of Fellow of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS). Ulrich Höller was chairman of the board of the listed DIC Asset AG for 15 years. The project developments for which Ulrich Höller was responsible in his career include a. the Palais Walderdorff monument ensemble in Trier, the main post office in Erfurt, the MainTor Quarter in Frankfurt, the Young Quarter Obersendling in Munich and the Opera Offices in Hamburg.

Since 2015, as Chairman of the Management Board, he has built up the leading investment and asset manager GEG German Estate Group AG. Höller and GEG made a name for themselves with investments in several high-rise buildings in Frankfurt's banking district such as the Garden Tower, the Japan Center and, most recently, the Eurotheum. With the redesign of the two high-rise projects Global Tower and RIVERPARK Tower (based on plans by star architect Ole Scheeren), Höller initiated two further major construction projects in Frankfurt with GEG. In April 2019, he moved to the GEG's supervisory board as chairman. From 2020 Ulrich Höller will lead the nationwide active ABG real estate group, Munich, as managing partner.

He is also board member and vice-president of the leading industry association ZIA Zentraler Immobilienausschuss eV, Berlin, board member of the Friends of MMK Museum for Modern Art, Frankfurt am Main, initiator of the 'Investors Day' and the 'FAZ Main Palais Talks' in Frankfurt am Main and holds various supervisory board and advisory board mandates.


In 2009, Höller was with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) awarded ULI Germany Leadership Award excellent. In 2012 Ulrich Höller received the MIPIM Award with DIC in Cannes for the new development of the MainTor quarter. In 2013 he was named Real Estate Head of the Year by the specialist magazine Immobilienwirtschaft for the development of the MainTor quarter .

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.zia-deutschland.de/ueber-den-zia/struktur/vorstand/
  2. ULI Leadership Award 2009
  3. Award ceremony for real estate heads 2012/2013