Ulrike Auga

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Portrait v.  Ulrike E. Auga
Ulrike E. Auga (2017)

Ulrike E. Auga, b. Ernst (born November 24, 1964 in East Berlin ) is a German Protestant theologian, cultural and religious scholar and gender theorist. She is professor for Protestant theology and gender studies in the context of religious studies, intercultural theology and ecumenics. She is currently visiting professor at the Intersectional Center for Inclusion and Social Justice (INCISE) at Canterbury Christ Church University (UK).


Ulrike E. Auga studied theology and philosophy in Berlin, Cambridge (UK) and Geneva. This was followed by international research stays of several years: 1999–2001 with the project “Gender, Race and Nation in South Africa's Political Transition”, Johannesburg (SA); Bamako, 2001-02 “Gender, Culture, Islam and Indigenous Religion in West Africa” and 2002-04 “Gender in Conflicts” and “Jerusalem Berlin Forum. Divided Cities in Transition ”, Jerusalem. She received her doctorate summa cum laude in 2005 at the Humboldt University of Berlin in cultural studies with Christina von Braun and Flora Veit-Wildt with the thesis Dissidence and Legitimization - A Critique of Intellectuals and National Cultural Discourses in the Context of the Transition of South Africa .

Auga taught from 2008-16 on the junior professorship for gender studies and religious studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin. From 2009-13 she worked as a co-applicant in the DFG graduate college "Gender as a Category of Knowledge" at the Humboldt University in Berlin. 2012-15 she was a member of the research project "Postcolonial, Post-Secular and Queer Research of Gender and Religion" of the Dutch Research Association. For the period from 2013 to 2014 Auga received the Bonhoeffer Foundation Prize and taught as a visiting professor at Columbia University, New York. In 2015-16 she received a research award from the Templeton Foundation and NASA and did research in the project “Social Implications of Extraterrestrial Life. Gender, Race, Religion and Visuality in Space Images ”at CTI Princeton. In 2016-17 she and Regina Kunzel, Princeton University, won the Humboldt-Princeton-Strategic-Partnership Prize in Gender and Sexuality Studies with the research project “Gender, Sexuality, Race, Class, and Religion in Political Transitions in Europe and the UNITED STATES". During the same period, she was appointed to a visiting professorship for gender, diversity and cultural studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In the 2017 summer semester, she was awarded the Käthe Leichter Prize Guest Professorship for Women and Gender Studies at the University of Vienna. In 2019 she did research as a Mary Douglas visiting professor at the Institut de sciences sociales des religions (ISSR), Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions at the Université de Lausanne.

Since 2017 Auga has been a member of the research network "Other Europes / Europe's Others" at the Institute for European Ethnology at the Humboldt University in Berlin under the direction of Regina Römhild and Arjun Appadurai. The research approach is based on critical migration studies and aims to reshape the European project through alternative, emancipatory and solidarity mobilization practices in order to transform the current discourses of “Otherness” in the area of ​​migration.

Auga is a founding member of the German Society for Gender Studies and a member of the International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies (RINGS). She was involved in the establishment of the Selma Stern Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg in 2012. Auga is co-founder of the International Association for the Study of Religion and Gender (IARG), of which she is president.

In November 2018, Auga took part as an expert in a hearing in the European Parliament in Brussels at the invitation of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality. Auga and Dr. Annette von Alemann (University of Paderborn), as a member of the International Association for Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies (RINGS), a network of more than 60 international gender research institutions, reported on attacks by the political right on academic research, gender studies as a subject and LGBTIQ * Living in Europe.

Research priorities

With a focus on feminist epistemology and criticism, she is one of the few German-speaking authors who combines gender and queer theory with post-colonial and post-secular approaches. It established gender and religion as deessentialized, intersectional categories of knowledge.

Auga's current research areas include:

  • The biopolitics of gender and religion
  • The knowledge order and the symbolic gender order. Post-colonial, post-secular, queer and activist advancement of the theory
  • Gender, Performativity and Agency in the Visual Archive
  • Gender, Life and Technoscience.

In her research on construction and regulation models, Auga starts with various religious and secular knowledge about gender, collective body and life in a comparison of different faith communities (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), and asks them about the relationship between religion and (epistemic) violence as well as agency . Auga's research and scientific work include discourses on health and sexual rights as human rights as well as HIV / AIDS discourses.



  • Auga, Ulrike E., An Epistemology of Religion and Gender: Biopolitics - Performativity - Agency, London / New York: Routledge 2020.
  • Auga, Ulrike, intellectuals - between dissidence and legitimacy. A culture-critical theory in the context of South Africa, Berlin / Münster / Vienna a. a .: LIT 2007.                    
  • Ernst, Ulrike, From Anti-Apartheid to African Renaissance. Interviews with South African Writers and Critics on Cultural Politics Beyond the Cultural Struggle, Münster / Berlin: LIT 2002.


  • Auga Ulrike; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður; Knauss, Stefanie u. a. (Ed.), Resistance and Visions - the contribution of postcolonial, post-secular and queer theory to theology and religious studies, yearbook of the ESWTR, 22 (2014).
  • Auga, Ulrike; Braun, Christina von; Bruns, Claudia u. a. (Eds.), Fundamentalism and Gender: Scripture - Body - Community, Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2013.
  • Auga, Ulrike; Bruns, Claudia; Dornhof, Dorothea u. a. (Eds.), Demons, vamps and hysterics. Gender and Race Figures in Knowledge, Media and Everyday Life. Festschrift for Christina von Braun, Series: GenderCodes. Transcriptions between knowledge and gender, Bielefeld: transcript, 2011.
  • Auga, Ulrike; Bruns, Claudia; Harders, Levke, et al. a. (Ed.), The Sex of Sciences. On the history of female academics in the 19th and 20th centuries, Frankfurt a. M. / New York: Campus, 2010.
  • Auga, Ulrike; Klein, Tobias Robert; Prüschenk, Viola (eds.), Texts, Tasks and Theories. Versions and Subversions in African Literatures, Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, Matatu, Humboldt Contributions, 2008.
  • Auga, Ulrike; Braun, Christina von (eds.), Gender in Conflicts. Palestine - Israel - Germany, Berlin, et al .: LIT Verlag, 2006.


  • Auga, Ulrike, “Gender and Religion as Critical Intersectional Categories. Deessentialization and disidentification as tasks ”, in: Krannich, Laura-Christin; Reichel, Hanna; Evers, Dirk (ed.), Images of Man and Images of God. Gender in Theological Reflection, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2019, 43–72.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Feminist and Gender-Conscious Working Groups and Theologies in the GDR”, in: Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv, umbrella association of German-speaking lesbian / women's archives, libraries and documentation centers ida 2019.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Annemarie Schönherr. Visionary of a just global society ", in: Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv, umbrella association of German-speaking lesbian / women's archives, libraries and documentation centers ida 2018.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Decolonization of Public Space. A challenge from Bonhoeffer's and Spivak's concepts of resistance, religion and gender ”, in: Nehring, Andreas, Wiesgickl (eds.), Postcolonial Theologies II. Perspectives from the German-speaking area, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2018, 92–115.
  • Auga, Ulrike; Hawthorne, Sian Melvill, "Homonationalism and the Challenge of Queer Theology," in: Hawthorne, Sian Melvill (eds.), Gender: God, Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Gender Series, Farmington Hills: Macmillan Reference USA, 2017, 367–383.    
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Human Rights and Gender. On religious, cultural, political and social discourse from a national and global perspective ”, in: Strahm, Doris; Hangartner, Li; Hafner-Al Jabaji, Amira (eds.), Human rights on the test bench. Women's rights between religion, culture and politics, Lucerne: Romero Haus, 2017, 9–34.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “'Let the rainbow children come'. Biopower as a challenge to critical political theology and religious studies ”, in: Erna Appelt, Elisabeth Grabner-Niel, Marion Jarosch, Michaela Rasler (eds.), Negotiating Identities - De / Constructing Identities, Innsbruck Gender Lectures III, Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2015 , 191-210.
  • Auga, Ulrike, "Decolonizing Public Space: A Challenge of Bonhoeffer's and Spivak's Concepts of Resistance, Religion and Gender", Feminist Theology (SAGE Publ.) 2015, Vol. 24 (1), 49-68.
  • Auga, Ulrike, "Resistance and the Radical Social Imaginary: A Genealogy from Eastern European Dissidence to New Social Movements: Connecting the Debates between Activism and Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Epistemology", in: Ulrike Auga; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður; Knauss, Stefanie u. a. (Ed.), Resistance and Visions - the contribution of postcolonial, post-secular and queer theory to theology and religious studies, ESWTR yearbook, 22 (2014), 5-30.    
  • Auga, Ulrike; Schirr, Bertram, “'Do not Conform to the Patterns of this World': A Postcolonial Investigation of Performativity, Metamorphoses, and Bodily Materiality in Romans 12”, Feminist Theology, (SAGE Publ.) 2014 Vol. 23 (1), 37 -54.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Gender and Religion as Interdependent Categories of Knowledge. Deconstruction, discourse analysis and intersectionality debate and the criticism of ancient texts ”, in: Eisen, Ute; Tanners; Christine; Standhartinger, Angela (eds.), Doing Gender - Doing Religion. On the interaction of gender concepts and religious identity formation in antiquity and early Islam, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013, 37–74.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Religion, Biopower and Human Flourishing. Forms of solidarity and the social imagination of a transreligious critical biotheology ”, in: Blohm, Uta; Forcano, Neus; Guðmarsdóttir, Sigríður u. a. (Eds.), Listening to, Understanding, and Responding to a Secular and Plural World. Journal of the ESWTR, 20 (2012), 87-112.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Truth and Reconciliation or Masculine Redemption at the Cape of Good Hope? Religious Legitimation of National Gender Construction ”, in: Heinicke, Julius; Heister, Hilmar; Klein, Tobias Robert (eds.), Kuvaka Ukama - Building Bridges, Heidelberg: Bettina Weiss Verlag, Kalliope, 2012, 257–273.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Exclusion or connections? Theology - Gender Theory - Religious Studies ”, in: Lanwerd, Susanne; Moser, Marcía (eds.), Woman - Gender - Queer. Gender theoretical approaches in religious studies, Würzburg: Könighausen and Neumann 2010, 229–249.
  • Auga, Ulrike, “Sexual Rights and Human Rights. Problems of the intercultural debate ”, in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik. New series, Bern, 2008, Vol. XVII (2), 357–369.

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Homepage Ulrike Auga. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  2. schererdevries: INCISE Visiting Professor Dr. Ulrike Auga: IDAHOBIT and Inaugural Lecture, 21 May 2018. In: Intersectional Center for Inclusion and Social Justice. April 9, 2018, accessed March 24, 2020 .
  3. CV. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  4. ^ Research. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  5. ^ Research. Accessed June 5, 2018 .
  6. CV. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  7. CV. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  8. Viola Beckmann: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga - Gender as a Category of Knowledge. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  9. ^ Research. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  10. Westdeutsche Verlags- und Werbegesellschaft mbH & Co. KG: “Wednesday talks” ask about the invention of sin and gender . In: lokalkompass.de . ( lokalkompass.de [accessed on March 22, 2018]).
  11. ^ Program - Center of Theological Inquiry. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  12. ^ Princeton University: Humboldt - Princeton - International Princeton. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  13. Funded Projects 2016 - Humboldt University International. Retrieved June 5, 2018 .
  14. CV. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  15. Gender Committee of the Faculties of Cultural Studies »SS 2017: Ulrike Auga. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  16. Unisciences - UNIL - Ulrike Auga. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  17. ^ Research. Accessed June 5, 2018 .
  18. RINGS CONFERENCE 2017 | RINGS - The International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies. Retrieved March 22, 2018 (Czech).
  19. Auga, Ulrike | Selma Stern Center. Retrieved March 29, 2018 (American English).
  20. Homepage Ulrike Auga. Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  21. IARG. Retrieved January 8, 2019 .
  22. Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality | Multimedia center | European Parliament. Retrieved November 18, 2018 .
  23. Viola Beckmann: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga - Gender as a Category of Knowledge. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  24. ^ Research. Retrieved March 22, 2018 .
  25. An Epistemology of Religion and Gender: Biopolitics, Performativity and Agency, 1st Edition (Hardback) - Routledge. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  26. Ulrike Auga: Intellectuals - between dissidence and legitimacy: a culture-critical theory in the context of South Africa . Muenster; Hamburg; Berlin; London 2007 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020] Lit).
  27. Ulrike Ernst: From anti-apartheid to African renaissance: interviews with South African writers and critics on cultural politics beyond the cultural struggle . Lit, Münster etc. 2002, ISBN 978-3-8258-5804-9 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  28. PEETERS ONLINE JOURNALS. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  29. Ulrike Auga, Christina von Braun, Claudia Bruns, Jana Husmann: Fundamentalism and gender: scripture - body - community . 2013, ISBN 978-1-62032-392-2 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  30. Ulrike Auga: Demons, Vamps and Hysterics: Gender and Race Figures in Knowledge, Media and Everyday Life around 1900 . Transcript, Bielefeld 2011, ISBN 978-3-8376-1572-2 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  31. Ulrike Auga: The gender of the sciences: on the history of female academics in the 19th and 20th centuries . Campus Verlag, Frankfurt 2010, ISBN 978-3-593-39148-9 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  32. Viola Prüschenk, Tobias Robert Klein, Ulrike Auga: Texts, tasks, and theories: versions and subversions in African literatures 3 . Rodopi, Amsterdam 2008, ISBN 978-90-420-2374-1 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  33. Ulrike Auga, Christina von Braun: Gender in conflicts: Palestine, Israel, Germany . Lit; Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers, Münster; Piscataway, NJ 2006, ISBN 978-3-8258-9281-4 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  34. Dirk Evers, Hanna Reichel, Laura-Christin Krannich: Images of man and images of God: Gender in theological reflection . 2019, ISBN 978-3-374-05372-8 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  35. Feminist and gender-conscious working groups and theologies in the GDR. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  36. Annemarie Schönherr. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  37. Andreas Nehring, Simon Wiesgickl: Postcolonial theologies II: Perspectives from the German-speaking countries . 2017, ISBN 978-3-17-032571-5 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  38. ^ Sian Melvill Hawthorne, Ulrike Auga: Homonationalism and the Challenge of Queer Theology . In: Gender: God . Macmillan Reference USA, Farmington Hills, MI September 2017, pp. 367-383 ( soas.ac.uk [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  39. Human rights under scrutiny. Women's Rights Between Religion, Culture and Politics - Google Search. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  40. Erna Appelt, Elisabeth Grabner-Niel, Marion Jarosch, Michaela Ralser, University of Innsbruck: Negotiating identities - de / constructing identities Innsbruck Gender Lectures III . 2015, ISBN 978-3-902936-90-5 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  41. Ulrike Auga: Decolonizing Public Space: A Challenge of Bonhoeffer's and Spivak's Concepts of Resistance, 'Religion' and 'Gender' . In: Feminist Theology . tape 24 , no. 1 , 2015, ISSN  0966-7350 , p. 49-68 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  42. Ulrike AUGA: Resistance and the Radical Social Imaginary . In: Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research . No. 0 , 2014, ISSN  1783-2446 , p. 5–30 , doi : 10.2143 / ESWTR.22.0.3040788 ( peeters-leuven.be [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  43. PEETERS ONLINE JOURNALS. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  44. Doing gender - doing religion: Case studies on intersectionality in early Judaism, Christianity and Islam . 2013, ISBN 978-3-16-152226-0 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  45. PEETERS ONLINE JOURNALS. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  46. Flora Veit-Wild, Julius Heinicke: Kuvaka ukama - building bridges: a tribute to Flora Veit-Wild . 2012, ISBN 978-3-9814953-0-0 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).
  47. Ulrike Auga: Sexual Rights and Human Rights. Problems of the intercultural debate . In: zeitfurgerm magazine for German studies . tape 18 , no. 2 , 2008, ISSN  0323-7982 , p. 357-369 ( worldcat.org [accessed March 24, 2020]).