Bypass (chess)

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The bypass is a chess motif that appears in the endgame . In the case of evasion, one king bypasses the other, for example to imprison him or to get into the opposition . It occurs primarily in pawn endings and in rook versus pawn endings .

Examples from pawn endings

  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  
White to move holds a draw

Template: checkerboard / maintenance / new

In this position White seems to have lost after 1. Kg8 Kg6 , since Black after 2. Kf8? Kf6 3. Kg8 Ke5 4. Kf7 Kd4 5. Ke6 Kc3 6. Kd5 Kb2 7. Kc4 Kxa2 8. Kc3 Kb1 9. Kb3 a2 converts the pawn. But bypassing 2. Kh8 !! Kf6 (or 2.… Kf5, which makes no difference in the sequence; if, on the other hand, the king does not approach the pawns with 2.… Kh6, the game ends by repeating the position ) 3. Kh7! Ke5 4. Kg6 Kd4 5. Kf5 Kc3 6. Ke4 Kb2 7. Kd3 Kxa2 8. Kc2 , and the black king is locked up .

Nikolai Grigoriev (conclusion of a study)
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  a b c d e f G H  
White to move holds a draw

Template: chess board / maintenance / alt

Here, too, White seems to be lost at first because Black can apparently pick up the pawn, for example after 1. Kg5? Kc2 2. Kf6 Kd3 3. Ke7 Kc4 4. Kd7 Kb5 5. Kc7 Ka6 with pressure to move and win, or 1. Kg4? Kc2 2. Kf3 Kd3 3. Kf4 Kd4 4. Kf5 Kc5 and profit.
Only bypassing 1. Kg3 brings salvation here ! Kc2 2nd Kf2 Kd2 3rd Kf1! Kd3 4th Ke1! Kc4 5. Kd2 Kb5 6. Kc3 Kxb6 7. Kb4 , and White holds a draw because he has the opposition.

The opposing king can try to avoid evasion by means of an evacuation .

Avoidance in rook endings

A common type of rook endgames is the rook versus pawn fight . Often one side (in our examples White) won the opponent's rook for an advancing pawn, but now his own king is on the opposing back row and Black wants to advance his own pawns. To win, White must perform a circumvention with the king and help the rook:

After Machgielis Euwe , 1934
  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  
White to move wins

Template: chess board / maintenance / alt

White wins by bypassing the king to the left side of the pawn:

1. Kc6! b3 or Kc4 2. Kb6 with the same result
2. Kb5 Kc3
3. Ka4 b2
4. Ka3 and White wins.

Individual evidence

  1. Juri Awerbach : Tower Endgames, Volume 1 , 2nd edition. Sportverlag Berlin, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-328-00091-7 , p. 146.
  2. Juri Awerbach : Tower Endgames, Volume 1 , 2nd edition. Sportverlag Berlin, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-328-00091-7 , p. 13.