Switzerland's environmental award

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Switzerland's environmental award
Purpose: The Pro Aqua - pro Vita foundation supports innovative technologies, processes, concepts or products as well as measures for their implementation in practice
Chair: Stephan Peyer, President of the Board of Trustees, Executive Board MCH Group, Basel

Theresia Saner, managing director of the foundation, MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) AG, Basel

Consist: since 1995
Seat: Basel , Switzerland
Website: www.umweltpreis.ch ; www.prixenvironnement.ch

no founder specified

The Swiss Environment Prize is one of the most valuable environmental prizes in Switzerland.


The prize is awarded every two years by the "pro Aqua - pro Vita" foundation in two categories. The innovation category is set at CHF 50,000 . Projects are honored that represent a technology, process or product-oriented innovation in the environmental sector. There is also the Ecopreneur, the recognition award for entrepreneurs who have noticeable success in the market thanks to their long -term commitment to environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. The prize was awarded for the first time in 1995, back then in the Innovation category. The Ecopreneur category has only existed since 2010. Since then, the award has also been presented every two years at Swissbau. Leading trade fair for the construction and real estate industry in Switzerland awarded. The next time the prize will be awarded on January 21, 2014 in Basel. The invitation to tender runs until September 30, 2013. The Swiss Environment Prize is under the patronage of the Federal Office for the Environment.

Award winners

Innovation category

2012 Neurobat AG, Gossau, self-learning heating, ventilation and air conditioning controller
2010 Cobiax Technologies AG, Zug, reduction of CO 2 emissions by significantly reducing the volume of concrete in construction
2010 Special prize of the jury: www.topten.ch, Internet product comparison
2005 UMTEC, Institute for Environmental and Process Engineering, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, reduction of NOx in the exhaust gas of diesel vehicles
2002 eCO2 SA, Mezzovico, CO 2 cleaning process
2000 Tonwerke Lausen AG, Lausen, small storage heater
1997 Ciba Specialty Chemicals, Muttenz, process of eco-efficient groundwater purification through the use of bacteria to break down chlorinated hydrocarbons
1997 Signer Ingenieurunternehmen AG, St. Gallen, Heliobus daylight guide
1995 Ingenieurbüro Verenum, Zurich, self-optimizing combustion control to reduce pollutants and improve the efficiency of wood firing
1995 Markus Grauwiller, Stettlen, process for recycling filter ash from flue gas cleaning systems
1995 Up-to-Date Umwelttechnik AG, Oberurnen, «Plasmacat» exhaust air purification process

Category Ecopreneur

Recognition for many years of work in the field of environmental technology
2012 Alain Jenny, Apples
2010 Walter Schmid, W. Schmid AG, Glattbrugg (environmental arena)

Foundation purpose

The Pro Aqua - pro Vita foundation supports innovative technologies, processes, concepts or products as well as measures for their implementation in practice. The prerequisite is that they make a particular contribution to environmental protection and the careful use of natural resources. In particular, the Foundation awards an environmental prize to private individuals, organizations, institutions, companies and public bodies on the occasion of a suitable MCH Group trade fair.

Board of Trustees

The administrative body of the foundation is the foundation board . He is particularly responsible for the compliance and appropriate use of the foundation's assets. He represents the foundation externally. As part of the foundation's purpose, he has all the competencies necessary for managing the company. The Board of Trustees consists of seven to nine members and works free of charge. It is made up of representatives from MCH Swiss Exhibition Ltd. or a subsidiary of the canton of Basel-Stadt, as well as organizations and / or personalities who have proven their expertise in this area of ​​environmental protection. The members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by MCH Swiss Exhibition Ltd. or a subsidiary. Their term of office lasts at least one year and a maximum of four years. The respective term of office is always determined with the election. Members who move up during the term of office enter the term of office of their predecessors. Re-election is possible. The Board of Trustees is self-constituting. It designates the President and the Vice-President. The member of the Board of Trustees appointed to represent MCH Swiss Exhibition Ltd. or a subsidiary is its managing director. The Board of Trustees makes its decisions and carries out its elections with a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President's vote counts twice. The President, the Vice-President and the Managing Director are authorized to sign in twos, but not the President and Vice-President together.

Members of the Board of Trustees

  • Stephan Peyer, President of the Board of Trustees, Executive Board MCH Group, Basel
  • Patrick Graber, Vice President of the Board of Trustees, MCH Group, Basel
  • Rainer Bunge, University of Technology, Rapperswil
  • Isabelle Chevalley, President Ecologie Libérale
  • Jürg Hofer, Head of the Office for Environment and Energy, Canton of Basel-Stadt
  • Peter Hunziker, Hunziker Betatech AG, representing the VSA on the Board of Trustees, Winterthur
  • Anton Kilchmann, Director of the Swiss Gas and Water Association SVGW, Zurich
  • Daniel Zürcher, Head of Innovation Section, Federal Office for the Environment, Bern
  • Theresia Saner, managing director of the foundation, MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) AG, Basel

Swiss Environment Prize Jury

The jury consists of three to nine members and is appointed by the Board of Trustees. As part of the competition for the “Swiss Environment Prize”, which the foundation periodically advertises, the jury assesses the suggestions received and submits an application to the foundation board. This decides on the award ceremony.

Innovative minds and ideas are rewarded

Interested parties can apply for the award from now until September 30, 2013. Further information and the application documents are available at www.umweltpreis.ch. The applications are judged by an expert jury. The award ceremony and the presentation of the winners will take place during Swissbau from January 21 to 25, 2014 in Basel.

Web links