Independent advisory board of the Stability Council

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The independent Advisory Board of the Stability Council supports the Stability Council as an independent body on the basis of Section 7 of the Stability Council Act in monitoring compliance with the upper limit of the national structural funding deficit of 0.5% of gross domestic product set out in Section 51 (2) of the Budgetary Principles Act (HGrG). The advisory board was set up as part of the national implementation of the European Fiscal Treaty and was constituted on December 5, 2013.

The Advisory Board shall submit to the stability council twice a year an opinion to which the projection of public finances and structural submitted to the Stability fiscal balance evaluated. The chairman of the advisory board takes part in the deliberations of the stability council in spring and autumn on the monitoring of the structural general government deficit ceiling and introduces the advisory board's opinion on this.

Chair and members

The independent advisory board of the Stability Council consists of a total of nine experts. The members of the Advisory Board are one representative each from the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Advisory Council for the Assessment of Macroeconomic Development , one representative from the research institutes involved in the joint diagnosis, two experts each appointed by the federal and state governments for a period of five years by their representatives in the Stability Council, and one each Expert appointed by the municipal umbrella associations and the umbrella organizations of social insurance for a period of five years . The Advisory Board's website lists all current members, including their résumés. Thiess Büttner (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) has been chairman and Georg Milbradt ( former Prime Minister) has been the deputy chairman since June 2018 .

Opinion on compliance with the structural general government deficit ceiling

Pursuant to Section 7 (3) of the Stability Council Act, the Advisory Board gives its opinion on compliance with the upper limit for the national structural funding deficit of 0.5% of gross domestic product set out in Section 51 (2) of the Budget Principles Act. The term “nationwide” aims at the aggregated consideration of the federal, state, local and social security organizations. The term “structural” implies that the actual financial balance is adjusted for economic effects and one-off effects. If the Advisory Board comes to the conclusion that the upper deficit limit will not be adhered to, it should make recommendations for measures to remedy an excessive structural deficit. The opinions of the Advisory Board and other documents are published on the website of the independent Advisory Board of the Stability Council. The Advisory Board alone decides on the publication of additional documents beyond the statement. Shortly after their publication, the opinions of the Advisory Board are also made available in English on the Advisory Board's website.

Rules of Procedure of the Advisory Board of the Stability Council

The independent advisory board of the Stability Council has issued rules of procedure on the basis of Section 7 (1) sentence 2 of the Stability Council Act , which are published on its website.

EU network of independent fiscal institutions

The independent advisory board of the Stability Council is an independent body for monitoring compliance with budgetary rules within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No. 473/2013 and a member of the EU Network of Independent Fiscal Institutions (EUNIFI).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chair and members of the advisory board. Retrieved June 11, 2015 .
  2. Rules of Procedure of the Advisory Board of the Stability Council. Retrieved June 11, 2015 .