Uncites gryphus

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Uncites gryphus
Uncitidae - Uncites gryphus.JPG

Uncites gryphus

Temporal occurrence
Middle Devon

in the Eisenstein of the Garkenholz and Holzberg pits near Rübeland and Hüttenrode in the Harz Mountains, Germany

Trunk : Armpods (brachiopods)
Family : Uncitidae
Genre : Uncites
Type : Uncites gryphus
Scientific name
Uncites gryphus
( Schlotheim , 1820)

Uncites gryphus , freely translated gripping claw, is a riffbewohnender representatives of the extinct genus Uncites family Uncitidae the root of brachiopods (brachiopods). He lived in the Middle Devonian period.


Individual evidence

  1. GeoPark Ruhrgebiet News 1, 2013