Union of Finance Personnel in Europe

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The Union of Finance Personnel in Europe ( UFE ) is the European umbrella organization for tax and customs unions. Historically, the UFE also has national names: in Germany it is also called the Union of Financial Personnel in Europe , in French Union du Personnel des Finances en Europe , in Italian L'Unione del personale delle finanze in Europe . UFE was founded in 1963.

What is the UFE

  • UFE is the only European trade union interest group representing colleagues from the tax and customs administrations.
  • UFE represents over 400,000 employees
  • UFE is politically independent
  • UFE is present in the European Parliament, in the European Commission and in the Economic and Social Committee. She is firmly accredited by the European Commission and the Economic and Social Committee .

The goals of UFE

  • Good staffing of the tax and customs administrations
  • Performance-based and appropriate remuneration
  • Tax justice
  • Fight against tax evasion, tax avoidance and money laundering
  • Improving international cooperation
  • A good training of the employees in order to guarantee the high standards.
  • Consumer protection and fair market conditions

UFE Presidium

President: Florian Köbler (DE), Deputy DSTG Federal Chairman.

Vice-Presidents: Thomas Eigenhaler (DE), Lorna Merry (UK), Didier Jasselin (FR), Arnaud Picard (FR), Christian Faber (LU), Miguel Angel Mayo (ES), Dermot Brown (IE), Paulo Ralha (PT) .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The foundation of UFE. In: ufe-online.eu. Retrieved on February 3, 2020 (scanned founding agreement (three languages ​​German, French, English)).
  2. Florian Köbler new President of UFE! Retrieved January 10, 2020 .
  3. UFE - About. Retrieved January 10, 2020 (American English).