Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti

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Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti ( UISP ) ( Italian Union of Sport for All ) is the Italian association for popular sport founded in 1948.


Since the Italian Socialist Youth Congress in 1901 had decided on the doctrine that the capitalists had invented sport in order to keep the socialist youth from their real tasks, in Italy, unlike other European countries, there was no socialist sport movement as a run-up organization. Fascists could easily take hold of the sport and use it specifically as a propaganda medium. Since the socialist Giulio Onesti did not dissolve the fascist-infiltrated CONI in 1945 , but continued it, the Unione Italiana Sport Popolare emerged in 1948 as an independent workers ' sports movement, founded by socialists and communists who joined international workers' sport ( Confédération Sportive Internationale du Travail ). With the entry of the USSR and the Eastern Bloc into the Olympic Games , however, an important component of independence was lost, so that reference to the CONI was sought. In 1974 the UISP joined the CONI as a sports and cultural organization. With the decline of the Eastern Bloc, not only the position of international, but also Italian workers' sport became more and more complicated, so that the CSIT 2011 opened up to all amateurs and the UISP in Italy followed the same step in 2014 and is now part of Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti renamed. Since then, the association has experienced an increase in membership and on December 31, 2014 had 1.31 million members in 17,000 clubs.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arnd Krüger : Italy . Arnd Krüger, James Riordan (Ed.): The Story of Worker Sport. Champaign, Ill .: Human Kinetics 1996, pp. 176-177. ISBN 0-87322-874-X .
  2. Kalevi Olin (ed.) (2013). Sport, Peace and Development. International Worker Sport. 1913-2013 . Vienna: CSIT ISBN 978-3-9503593-1-2

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