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Under unitarisation is understood that, in a state of the central power is strengthened and the state of total uniform ( unitary is).

The constitutional lawyer Konrad Hesse stated in 1962 in his work The Unitarian Federal State that the competences of the German federal states had been dismantled in favor of the federal government since their re-establishment after the war .

The term unitarization describes the effort to achieve a standardization of legal regulations. The aim is the "approximation of living conditions" required by the Basic Law . The degree of unitarization describes the degree of actual standardization within a state . The term is differentiated from the concept of centralization , which is similar in content , in that centralization describes the formal decision-making authority and unitarization describes the actual approximation. If, for example, the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs presents uniform regulations, there is no centralization (since the decision-makers are still the federal states), but there is a further step towards unitarization, since standardization takes place.


  1. ^ Konrad Hesse: The Unitarian Federal State. Müller, Karlsruhe 1962, p. 9.
  2. Heinz Laufer , Ursula Münch : The federal system of the Federal Republic of Germany. 7th, revised edition, Isar-Post, Munich 1997, p. 16.