United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

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US Citizenship and Immigration Services

State level Federation
position foreigners Authority
Supervisory authority United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
founding March 1, 2003
Headquarters Washington, DC
Authority management Kenneth T. Cuccinelli Acting Director
Servants > 19,000
Web presence www.uscis.gov

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services ( USCIS ) is the central national immigration and immigration service of the United States , based in Washington, DC and subordinate to the United States Department of Homeland Security .


The forerunner organization was the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). The INS was an authority founded in 1891 and subordinated to the Ministry of Justice . She was responsible for the entry and exit, immigration and naturalization of foreigners. The INS was dissolved on March 1, 2003 and has merged into three different agencies of the Ministry of Homeland Security. The United States Customs and Border Protection took over the duties of a customs authority and border control . The tasks of an immigration police, such as the search for illegal immigrants and the deportation of foreigners, were taken over by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement . The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services took over the administrative tasks of an immigration and immigration authority


The agency's role is to process applications associated with long-term stays by foreigners in the United States.

  • Processing of visa applications for a long-term stay
  • Processing of applications from asylum seekers and refugees
  • Temporary or long-term work permit for foreigners
  • International adoption
  • Naturalization in the United States

The Department of Justice oversees the decisions of USCIS, the Executive Office for Immigration Review , the Immigration Court and the Board of Immigration Appeals . A special feature of this authority is that it is financed almost exclusively from fees and thus over 95% of the budget is its own income.


The agency is run by a director who reports directly to the Deputy Secretary for Homeland Security . The director is appointed by the US President and must be approved by the Senate . USCIS has Field Offices throughout the United States and abroad.

Web links

Commons : United States Citizenship and Immigration Services  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Leadership. In: www.uscis.gov. US Citizenship and Immigration Services, December 4, 2019, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  2. About Us. In: www.uscis.gov. US Citizenship and Immigration Services, March 6, 2018, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  3. Our History. In: www.uscis.gov. US Citizenship and Immigration Services, May 25, 2011, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  4. What we do. In: www.uscis.gov. US Citizenship and Immigration Services, April 12, 2018, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  5. ^ Executive Office for Immigration Review. In: www.justice.gov. United States Department of Justice , August 14, 2018, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  6. Hearing on “A Review of the FY 2020 Budget Request for US Customs and Border Protection, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and US Citizenship and Immigration Services” on May 9, 2019 by Acting Deputy Director Tracy Renaud. In: www.uscis.gov. US Citizenship and Immigration Services, May 23, 2019, accessed December 21, 2019 .
  7. International Immigration Offices. In: www.uscis.gov. US Citizenship and Immigration Services, December 20, 2019, accessed December 21, 2019 .

Coordinates: 38 ° 53 '51.3 "  N , 77 ° 0' 38.4"  W.