United States Committee for a Free Lebanon

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The United States Committee for a free Lebanon USCFL (German: US Committee for a Free Lebanon ) is a pro-Israel US organization founded in New York City in 1997 .

The group has around 13,000 members and sees its task as a think tank to present to the American public the “strategic and moral importance of Lebanon as a US ally and an outpost of the West in the Middle East”. It describes itself as "independent of all political parties in the country" with the aim of creating a "free Lebanon". The managing directors are Daniel Pipes and the founder Ziad K. Abdelnour .

The USCFL played a major role in US pressure on Syria to force its troop withdrawal from Lebanon in 2001. Its official core supporters include the neoconservatives Elliot Abrams , Douglas Feith , Michael Ledeen , Richard Perle and David Wurmser and are closely linked to the WINEP ( Washington Institute for Near East Policy ).

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