Difference bandage

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Bloodletting on the head

The difference bandage ( Latin Discrimen ) is a special historical bandage that was mainly used for bloodletting on the head (forehead and temples). In addition to the difference bandage for the head ( Latin Discrimen Capitis ) there was another variant that was used for injuries to the nose ( Latin Discrimen nasi ).

In the French as well as in the English-speaking world, the difference band was known under the Latin name Discrimen .


Discrimen capitis

The difference in bandage for the head was usually between four and six cubits long and two fingers wide. On the one hand it was wrapped around the head, on the other hand it was placed from the forehead over the head to the neck. As a result, the head was optically divided into two halves ("differentiated", Latin discriminare ), which gave the association its name. In addition to bloodletting, the difference bandage was also used for other head injuries, especially on the forehead or in the middle of the skull. In addition, the use of the difference bandage was recommended if the head injuries had to be treated with compresses or wraps , as these could be changed without removing the bandage beforehand.

Discrimen nasi

The difference bandage for the nose was longer (about six to eight cubits long) and narrower (a finger wide) than the variant for the head. It was created analogously to this one. It led from the neck over the head to under the nose and the section that was wrapped around the head ran under the ears and between the nose and upper lip. In this version, too, the head has been visually divided into two halves.


  • W. Walther, M. Jaeger, J. Radius (eds.): Concise dictionary of the entire surgery and ophthalmology . tape 2 . Weygand'sche Verlags-Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1837, p. 446 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • DWH Busch, CF v. Gräfe, CW Hufeland, HF Link, KA Rudolphi (Hrsg.): Encyclopaedic dictionary of the medical sciences . tape 9 . Verlag JW Boike, Berlin 1833, p. 419 ff . ( limited preview in Google Book search).

Individual evidence

  1. HA Pierer (Ed.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and Past or the latest encyclopedic dictionary of the sciences, arts and crafts . tape 8 . Altenburg 1841, p. 427 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. Friedr. Ludwig Meissner, Carl Christian Schmidt (ed.): Encyclopedia of the medical sciences . tape 12 . Verlag der A. Fest'schen Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1833, p. 213 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. ^ Johann Georg Krünitz : Economic Encyclopedia . tape  200 , p. 38 ( kruenitz1.uni-trier.de ).
  4. ^ Franz Joseph Hofers: Doctrines of the surgical association . Johann Jakob Palm, Erlangen 1791, p. 19 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  5. ^ Johann Gottlob Bernstein: Practical Handbook for Surgeons . First volume. Verlag EB Schwickert, Leipzig 1818, p. 668 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  6. Busch, Gräfe, Hufeland, Link, Rudolphi (ed.): Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Medicinal Sciences. P. 420 f.