Vakaba Touré

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Vakaba Touré (* unknown; † 1858 ) was a West African tribal leader in the north of today's Ivory Coast .

Vakaba Touré was from the Malinke people and came from the ruling dynasty of the Mali Empire . Around 1845 he moved south from Mali and conquered the Nafana kingdom of the Dioula ruling there .
The Dioula were ousted from the region by Touré and his tribe, whereupon Touré founded the Kingdom of Kabadugu on the territory of the former Nafana kingdom , of which he became the first king. The capital of the kingdom was Odienné .

Vakaba Touré died in 1858. His eldest son VaBrèma Touré succeeded him on the throne.

The Kingdom of Kabadugu existed until the early 20th century before it was finally dominated militarily and administratively by the French.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d J. M. O'Sullivan: The French Conquest of Northwest Ivory Coast - The Attempt of the Rulers of Kabadugu to Control the Situation. 1983, accessed April 13, 2013. (English)