Venus by Eliseevitchi

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The Venus of Eliseevitchi (English Transcription Eliseevichi) is a Venus figurine from the Epi gravettia .

Venus figurine by Eliseevitchi, approx. 15,000 BP, kept in the Kunstkammer, Hermitage Saint Petersburg, Russia

The figure was discovered in 1930, near the Sudost River in the Bryansk Province of Russia. It is 15 cm high and was carved from mammoth ivory. What is striking about her is that she depicts a young woman, similar to Venus impudique .


Henri Delporte: L'image de la femme dans l'art préhistorique , Ed. Picard 1979.

Web links

Description and illustrations of Venus by Eliseevitchi

Individual evidence

  1. R.-M. Weiss, M. Merkel (Ed.): Ice ages: The art of the mammoth hunters. Museum of Ethnology, p. 196.
  2. ^ Henri Delporte: L'image de la femme dans l'art préhistorique , Ed. Picard 1979, p. 182