Event specialist

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Certified event specialist is a publicly recognized qualification at the master's level , which is awarded after successfully completing industry- related commercial advancement training in accordance with the Vocational Training Act. The nationwide examination takes place on the basis of a special statutory ordinance before the examination board of a Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). In 2008, the certified event specialist replaced the specialist for the conference, congress and trade fair industry .

An event specialist is qualified to carry out planning tasks independently in the event area. Event specialists plan, manage and control various types of events on the basis of technical , business and legal contexts.

There are various educational institutions that prepare for the IHK exam. An exam preparation course lasts 3 to 6 months in the full-time form and 12 to 24 months in the part-time form. However, participation in a course is not mandatory for admission to the examination. Financial support by means of the Advancement Training Assistance Act ("Meister-BAFöG") is possible on application.

Exam admission requirements

For consideration in taking the test industry-related skills can be granted to those who

  • a qualification in a recognized training occupation as an event manager or a successfully passed final examination in a recognized commercial or administrative training occupation and then at least one year of professional experience or
  • a degree in another recognized occupation followed by at least two years of professional experience or
  • can provide evidence of at least four years of professional experience.

For exam of action Specific qualifications may be granted to those who

  • has passed the business-related qualifications part of the examination within the last five years and can provide evidence of at least one further year of professional experience in the above-mentioned cases.

The professional experience must have substantial and commercial (no volunteer or internship ) references to processes in companies in the event industry.

Learning content

The ordinance passed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in 2008 defines the following training and examination subjects:

A. Interdisciplinary part
  • Economics and business administration
  • Law and taxes
  • Corporate governance
  • Accounting
B. Subject-specific part
  • Analyze markets and define market opportunities
  • Conception of event projects
  • Planning, preparation, implementation and follow-up of events
  • Acquisition of customers and customer-oriented marketing
  • Leadership and collaboration

Part A Business-Related Qualifications can be taken independently of Part B. A written examination is taken in each of these areas. This is followed by an oral technical discussion.

Advanced training

The next, higher practical or professional qualification level is the certified business economist , to whose examination one is admitted after successfully completing the event specialist.

The higher theoretical education is a business administration degree with a focus on event management or event technology at a university .

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance on the examination for a recognized qualification as Certified Event Specialist (PDF; 7 kB)

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