Swiss Real Estate Association

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Swiss Real Estate Association
Logo of the Swiss Real Estate Association

The Swiss Real Estate Association (VLS) was founded in 2006 by employees of communal properties with the aim of sharing the basics and experiences with their colleagues from other communes, cities and cantons, as well as communal property management in day-to-day business, development and planning of buildings and the establishment of professional property management.


Members are either individual, collective, free or honorary members. Collective members are municipalities, cantons or other public bodies that manage properties. The provisions for admission are listed in the statutes.


The statutes were laid down when the association was founded and are entered in the commercial register. Changes must be approved by the general assembly and reported to the commercial register office.


In 2006, the Swiss Real Estate Association was founded by property managers who created a common basis for setting up a professional property management company, introduced facility management tools and sought a professional exchange between like-minded people. In the same year it was entered in the commercial register as a non-profit association. A year after it was founded, a multifunctional, four-language website was set up. On June 25, 2008 the first specialist event of the VLS was held in Greifensee .

In December 2009, following a comprehensive consultation process, the VLS was able to make its first standards, two specifications and a filing system available for municipal property management.

In March 2011, Comunas GmbH was entered in the commercial register as the VLS office. All services of the association were entrusted to the office.


In cooperation with the Institute for Facility Management at the University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the first specialist courses for public properties took place in Technopark Zurich in 2011. From this point on, these are carried out twice a year in four modules each.

The VLS offers the municipal authorities a rough analysis for the short and medium-term budgeting of the maintenance of their properties as a decision-making basis for financial planning and internal organization. These analyzes are suitable for municipalities that are planning a reorganization, e.g. B. as preparation for or as a result of a community merger.


The Executive Board currently (as of February 20, 2019) consists of four members:

  • Martin S. Frey, Presidium
  • Luzius Guetg, Vice President
  • Peter Krause
  • Heinz Lieberherr

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marco Di Giovambattista: VLS membership. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (German).
  2. ^ Marco Di Giovambattista: VLS - statutes. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (German).
  3. ^ Association of Swiss Real Estate in the Central Company Register. Retrieved February 20, 2019 .
  4. VLS - HOME. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (German).
  5. VLS - VLS. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (German).
  6. COMUNAS - HOME. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (German).
  7. ^ Institute for Facility Management. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (Swiss Standard German).
  8. Welcome to the ZHAW. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (Swiss Standard German).
  9. ^ Marco Di Giovambattista: VLS - courses, events. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (German).
  10. TECHNOPARK® Zurich. Retrieved February 20, 2019 .
  11. marco Di Giovambattista: VLS - VLS check. Retrieved on February 20, 2019 (German).