Association of German Consumer Cooperatives

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The Verband deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften eG (VDK) , based in East Berlin, was the central organ of the consumer cooperatives of the GDR .

The VDK was founded in August 1949 from the main consumer secretariat , which was formed in Berlin in 1947 after the Second World War. Members were the GDR consumer cooperatives, which were combined in district and district associations. The association had the task of working out the target of the consumer cooperatives according to the state guidelines. Furthermore, he monitored the fulfillment of the planned goals and implemented them if necessary.

In 1972 the name was changed to the Association of Consumer Cooperatives of the GDR (VdK) . In 1989, at the end of the GDR, 198 consumer cooperatives with a total of 4.6 million members belonged to it. The VdK was renamed Konsumverband eG in 1999 , from which the name Zentralkonsum eG emerged in 2008 .
