Association of German-speaking teachers in Chile

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The association of German-speaking teachers in Chile (VdLiCh) was founded in 1903 with the aim of cultural cooperation between Chile and Germany. It works with the embassy to look after its members sent from Germany, offers training courses and conferences on topics such as German as a foreign language and German in specialist classes, and organizes events to promote the German language and culture at German schools in Chile. Together with the German-Chilean Federation (DCB), the VdLiCh organizes regular school exchange activities with Germany.


One component of the association's work is cooperation with other institutions in the German-Chilean community.

The VdLiCh traditionally maintains good relations with the German Embassy in Santiago. This is particularly evident in the supervision of teachers sent from Germany. The Chilean German Teachers' Association (AGPA) and VdLiCh work together to organize joint German teacher congresses. This event is now to be brought back to life under joint leadership with the Goethe-Institut . The Senior Expert Service (SES) places retired experts all over the world. A school exchange is held once a year with the DCB. In connection with this event, the VdLich is offering an introductory event for the students and teachers involved. VdLiCh and the German Teacher Training Institute Wilhelm von Humboldt (LBI) endeavor to convey and use modern educational resources.

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