German-Chilean Federation

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The German-Chilean Federation (DCB) ( Spanish Liga Chileno-Alemana ) is a non-profit organization in Chile . The DCB was founded in 1916 and is based in Santiago de Chile . The purpose of the foundation was the "preservation, promotion and defense of the German people, its culture and its interests".


During the Second World War, with the help of the DCB, a ban on German education and German language teaching in German schools in Chile was prevented.

Since 1970, the DCB has been conducting a student exchange between Chile and Germany on behalf of the Directors' Conference of the German Schools in Chile.

In 1989 the DCB and the Sociedad Teuto-Chilena de Educación founded the German-Chilean publishing company "Ediciones Chileno-Alemanas Ltda.", Which is now the editor of the Cóndor newspaper , the third oldest newspaper in Chile.

President of the DCB has been the industrialist René Focke van der Spoel, former chairman of the German-Chilean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2010–2014) in Santiago de Chile , since 2014 . In 2017 the DCB had 418 personal and 12 institutional members.


The DCB acts as a kind of umbrella organization for German-Chilean associations, which are mainly located in the south of Chile.

Awarding of awards

The DCB awards four awards:

  1. Carlos Anwandter Medal ( Medalla Carlos Anwandter ), since 1962
  2. Philippi Award ( Condecoración Philippi ), has been awarded since 1975 to foreigners living in Chile who have rendered outstanding services to German-Chilean relations
  3. Vicente Pérez Rosales Medal ( Órden Vicente Pérez Rosales ), since 1989
  4. Arturo Junge Medal ( Medalla Arturo Junge ), honoring personalities from Chile who have made a special contribution to art and culture within the German-Chilean community since 2012

Carlos Anwandter Medal

The award is given for exceptional commitment to the German-Chilean community. Excellent (selection):

Vicente Pérez Rosales Medal

This award is given to Chileans of German origin who have done something special for Chile. Excellent are:

  • 2019 Fernando Mönckeberg - Santiago
  • 2018 Marlene Ahrens - Santiago
  • 2017 Rolf Lüders Schwarzenberg
  • 2016 Ricardo Hepp - Santiago
  • 2015 Erik von Baer von Lochow - Temuco
  • 2014 Harald Beyer Burgos - Santiago
  • 2013 Otto Dörr Zegers - Santiago
  • 2012 Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Dunker - Santiago
  • 2011 Klaus Grob Berkhoff - Valdivia
  • 2010 Renato Westermeier Hitschfeld
  • 2009 Carlos Eggers Schönherr - Santiago
  • 2008 Teodoro Ribera Neumann - Santiago
  • 2007 Otto Zöllner Schorr
  • 2001 Bruno Siebert Held - Santiago
  • 2001 Edwin Weil Wöhlke
  • 2000 Hardy Wistuba Stange - Santiago
  • 2000 Heinrich von Baer von Lochow
  • 1999 Harry Juergensen Caesar
  • 1993 Ricardo Krebs Wilckens - Santiago
  • 1991 Domingo Duran Neumann
  • 1990 Gabriel Guarda Geywitz OSB
  • 1989 Julio Philippi Izquierdo


The association has been publishing the German-language weekly newspaper Cóndor since 1938 . In 1950 he was the editor of the monograph Los alemanes en Chile en su primer centenario and in 2001 of Los alemanes y la comunidad chileno-alemana en la historia de Chile .


  • Carlos Eggers, Peter Schmid: A Whole Century German-Chilean Confederation (DCB). I. From the foundation to the end of the Second World War (PDF; 3.0 MB). In: Globus , Issue 4/2016, pp. 16–21.
  • Carlos Eggers: A Whole Century German-Chilean Confederation (DCB). II. From the post-war period to the present (PDF; 3.2 MB). In: Globus , issue 1/2017, pp. 8–12.
  • Dorothee Schlueter: From Kampfblatt to State Propaganda. The external press work of the NSDAP is documented using the example of the NS weekly magazine Westküsten-Beobachter from Chile. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-8471-0523-7 ; therein: pp. 25–32 (“Das Deutschtum in Chile after the foundation of the German Reich”); Pp. 105–138 (“Germanness in Chile, German Chileanism, National Socialists: Between Generational Conflicts and Merging Trends”).

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Stefan Manz ( University of Aston ): Diaspora and Weltpolitik in Wilhemine Germany. In: Panikos Panayi (ed.): Germans as Minorities during the First World War. A Global Comparative. Ashgate, Farnham 2014, pp. 27–46 (here: p. 44 and note 55).
  6. ^ Carlos Eggers, Peter Schmid: A whole century of the German-Chilean Federation (DCB). Part I. In: Globus ( VDA ), Issue 4/2016, pp. 16–21 (here: p. 18).
  7. ^ René Focke asume presidencia de Cámara Chileno Alemana de Comercio e Industria. In: El Mostrador , April 9, 2010, accessed February 12, 2020 (Spanish).
  8. ^ Martin F. Meyer: Member of the Bundestag Peter Weiß in Chile. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung , June 16, 2011, accessed on February 12, 2020.
  9. ^ Carlos Eggers: A Whole Century German-Chilean Federation (DCB). Part II. In: Globus , issue 1/2017, pp. 8–12 (here: p. 12).
  11. a b Presentation on the federal website .
  12. ^ A b Arne Dettmann: DCB gala with medal award in Villarrica. In: Cóndor , October 15, 2015, accessed on February 12, 2020.
  13. ^ List on the federal website .
  14. ^ List on the federal website .