Jan Karlsruher

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Jan Peter Karlsruher Strohbach is an ear, nose and throat doctor and honorary consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Valparaíso , Chile and has been awarded the Federal Cross of Merit since 2019 .


The father Herbert Karlsruher was honorary consul in Valparaíso.

Karlsruher is a member of the board of directors of the German School Association Valparaiso and President of the Club Alemán of the Universidad de Valparaíso . He is a lecturer at the Universidad de Valparaiso, a member of the "Sociedad Chilena de otorrinolaringologia, Medicina y Cirugía de cabeza y cuello" and physician at the "Clínica Ciudad del Mar" in Viña del Mar .

He has been Honorary Consul in Viña del Mar since March 20, 2013 . From 2015 to 2016 he chaired the Consular Corps of Valparaiso.


Karlsruher was awarded the "Medalla Carlos Anwandter " by the German-Chilean Federation in August 2019 .

In 2019, Karlsruher was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit in the residence of the German ambassador in Santiago de Chile . The award was made by the ambassador Christian Hellbach, who in his address emphasized the services of Karlsruhe for the German-Chilean community as well as for the bilateral cultural, economic and political relations in his capacity as honorary consul.

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.cuerpoconsularvalparaiso.cl/consulado-de-alemania/
  2. http://www.bundespraesident.de/SharedDocs/Berichte/Bekanntgabe-Ordensverleihung/1912-Verleihungen.html
  3. http://www.condor.cl/gemeinschaft/bundesverdienstkreuz-an-jan-karlsruher/
  4. ^ Board of Directors - Colegio Aleman de Valparaíso. In: dsvalpo.cl. Retrieved February 13, 2020 .
  5. Corporación Cultural Chileno Alemana Proyecta seguir trabajando con Instituto de ... - Portal de Noticias de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. In: uv.cl. Retrieved February 13, 2020 (Spanish).
  6. ^ Jan Karlsruher Strobach - Clínica Ciudad del Mar. In: ccdm.cl. Retrieved February 13, 2020 (Spanish).
  7. https://minrel.gob.cl/minrel/site/artic/20080813/asocfile/20080813191924/listado_cuerpo_consular_en_chile_actualizado_al_12_06_2017.pdf
  8. Cuerpo Consular de Valparaíso nombró a su nuevo decano. In: soyvalparaiso . dated May 13, 2015, accessed on February 12, 2020.
  9. https://www.dcb.cl/medallas-anwandter
  10. http://www.condor.cl/gemeinschaft/bundesverdienstkreuz-an-jan-karlsruher/
  11. ^ Cónsul honorario alemán es distinguido con la Cruz de la Orden del Mérito . Press release of the Diplomatic Service of November 29, 2019, accessed on February 12, 2020