German teacher training institute Wilhelm von Humboldt

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German teacher training institute Wilhelm von Humboldt
motto Teacher Education Innovative
founding January 27, 1988
Sponsorship Private
place Santiago de Chile
management Jochen Fritz
Students 45
Professors 15th

The German Teacher Training Institute Wilhelm von Humboldt (LBI) is a private German university of education founded in 1988 under Chilean foundation law in Santiago de Chile . Since 2015 there has been an agreement between the LBI and the Universidad de Talca, on the basis of which the "Escuela de Pedagogías en Alemán" was founded. This belongs to the educational science faculty of this university. The Escuela currently offers three undergraduate courses: the bilingual educator course, the bilingual teacher training course for primary school (1st to 8th grade) and the course for the DaF upper level (9th to 12th year). In addition, since the 2016 academic year, a special program has been offered that enables people with teaching experience and a university degree to acquire the professional title of German teacher for the upper school level within one year.

Founding history

The Chilean school system has a one-tier structure, with the kindergarten being an integral part of the school. In Chile there are more than 20 German schools with around 20,000 students. Most of these schools are more than 100 years old and can look back on a long German-speaking tradition ( Germans in Chile ). Even before the Escuela de Pedagogías en Alemán of the Universidad de Talca was founded , there were German teacher training centers in Chile. The so-called “women's school” was founded in 1933; from it in 1938 the "Seminar Wilhelm von Humboldt" developed. Until it was closed in 1972, German-speaking kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers were trained there. In 1976, professors from the Universidad Concepción made a new attempt to establish a teacher training program - this time at a university. In 1984 this attempt also had to be stopped. After preparatory work in 1987, the then founded German-Chilean Confederation (DCB), the German-Chilean Society of Education (StChE), the Association of German Teachers in Chile (VdLiCh) and 16 representatives of German schools in Chile, with the support of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany 1988 the LBI. With the decree of January 27, 1988, the Chilean Ministry of Education, MINEDUC, officially approved this institution.

The aim of the LBI is to provide the German schools in Chile with bilingual teachers. In 2004 the LBI received full autonomy. The Institute was first time in 2006 by the International Standard ISO 9001 and the Chilean standard NCh 2728 certified and in May 2015 successfully again for another three years recertified (2015-2018). The primary school course was accredited in 2010 for five years (2010–2015), the kindergarten course in 2012 for three years (2012–2015). With around 60 universities in Chile, the LBI has been among the top ten universities in the country since 2010 in the national ranking according to the "INICIA" state examination that takes place annually for graduates. On July 27, 2015, the LBI and the Universidad de Talca signed a cooperation agreement, so that the students have been awarded university degrees ("licenciatura") since the 2016 academic year.

Rectors of the LBI: Klaus Rudek (* 1928 +2016, Rector from 1987 to 1990), Gerold Halm (1991–1996), Robert Metzler (1997–2000), Felix E. Emminger (2001–2007), Alban Schraut (2008– 2016), Jochen Fritz (since August 1, 2016).


The LBI, or since 2015 the Escuela de Pedagogías en Alemán, currently offers three undergraduate courses - kindergarten education, elementary school studies, high school studies - as well as a special program for people with teaching experience. A total of 45 young people study at the Escuela in order to provide the German schools in Chile with bilingual (German-Spanish-speaking) teachers. They are supervised by around 15 lecturers. The duration of each degree is four years.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements are usually proof of the Abitur , the Matura , the mixed-language International Baccalaureate (GIB) or the Chilean university entrance qualification (PSU).


The LBI maintains close partnerships with the Heidelberg University of Education (since 2003), with the Weingarten University of Education (since 2009) and the Freiburg University of Education (since 2012). The LBI is a founding member of the World Association of German Schools Abroad (WDA) (since 2003), a member of the German League for Children (since 2011) and since 2013 a member of the “Early Multilingualism at Daycare Centers and Schools” (FMKS) association. In August 2014 LBI and the PH Kärnten / Viktor Frankl University of Applied Sciences Klagenfurt / Austria signed a partnership agreement. In October 2014 a cooperation agreement with the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Zurich / Switzerland came into force. The University of Flensburg , the PH Zug / Switzerland, the University of Bayreuth and the Alice Salomon University Berlin became LBI partners in 2015.

All LBI teacher training students complete a stay in Germany: they take part in the course of studies at the PH Heidelberg in January. They then complete two two-week pedagogical block internships, one at a state regular school, the other at a reform pedagogical school (alphabetically according to city names: among others at the Finkenburg School Aurich (Jenaplan School), the Peter Petersen Elementary School Berlin, the Laboratory School Bielefeld (experimental school of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia), the Rudolf Steiner School Bochum, the Free Comenius School Darmstadt (Freinet School), the Free Democratic School Kapriole Freiburg (Sudburry Valley School), the Catholic Bodenseeschule St. Martin Friedrichshafen (Marchtalplan School), the Jenaplan School Jena, the Peter-Petersen-Grundschule am Rosenmaar Cologne, the Marienau educational home, the Montessori school in Munich, the workshop school in Rostock (WiR), the Mönchberg school in Würzburg etc.). Outstanding LBI students are additionally granted a scholarship through the Baden-Württemberg scholarship and spend another semester at one of the three partner universities in Baden-Württemberg. In return, students from Heidelberg, Weingarten and Freiburg visit the LBI in Santiago for a guest semester; Since 2015 the PH Carinthia has also been sending exchange students to the LBI.


The Universidad de Talca awards the graduates of the Escuela de Pedagogías en Alemán the title of educator or elementary school teacher "con mención Alemán" or high school teacher "en Alemán" as well as the academic degree of Licenciatura in education at the same time as the titles.

Training and advisory function

In addition to the training of teachers, there has been a further training area since 1995. The LBI offers further training for German and Spanish-speaking teachers for the German and Chilean schools in Chile and Latin America . The topics are determined in consultation with German and Chilean schools. In addition to language didactic-oriented courses and workshops, explicitly subject-specific and pedagogical-methodical courses are also offered.

Sponsorship, tuition fees and scholarships

The LBI works with the German Schools of Chile. Together with the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, these finance the LBI through the Federal Office of Administration - Central Office for Schools Abroad . The courses are subject to tuition fees . However, students in need and students with outstanding academic achievements can apply for financial support and loans through special grants . The “Profesores crean futuro” scholarship program has been in place since 2011: Students who enroll with more than 600 PSU points (university entrance qualification point system in Chile) are completely exempt from tuition fees for the entire duration of their studies. However, you undertake to teach at a German-Chilean Society for Education (StChE) in Chile for at least three years after completing your studies.

Location and building

The LBI is located in the capital Santiago de Chile. It is located in the Vitacura district in the immediate vicinity of the German Clinic, the German Embassy, ​​the German-Chilean Federation, the German sports club “Manquehue” and the German School Santiago, which is also one of the internship schools of the teacher training institute. An institute library with an extensive German-language educational magazine department, up-to-date media equipment (around 10,000 media) and seminar rooms invite students in the building (built in 1992) to study intensively. Two other German institutions are housed in the building, which are set up, financed and supported by the Federal Office of Administration - Central Office for Schools Abroad: the specialist advice service for the German language in Chile and INSALCO, the only German-language commercial vocational school that existed in Chile and was founded in 1979 office, wholesale and foreign trade, industrial, freight forwarding and shipping clerks are trained.


The LBI has been awarding the " Wilhelm von Humboldt Medal " every year since 2005 to personalities who have made outstanding contributions to the institute:

  • 2005: Liske Salden (foreign service teacher / German lecturer from 2000 to 2006)
  • 2005: Ursula Pichaida (patroness)
  • 2006: Brigitte Hintze (LBI administrative manager from 1991 to 2005)
  • 2007: Martin Bornhardt (LBI Board Member from 1990 to 2007)
  • 2008: Peter Gebhardt (LBI treasurer from 1996 to 2006)
  • 2009: Helga Langhagen (specialist advisor for German and DaF lecturer from 1996 to 2009)
  • 2010: Elke Walter (Academic Director from 1991 to 2010)
  • 2011: Fritz Pichaida (LBI CEO from 1993 to 2002)
  • 2012: Renate Berger (art lecturer from 1987 to today)
  • 2012: Clara Ledermann (lecturer for German, Spanish, children's and youth literature and philosophy from 1989 to 2012)
  • 2013: Rudolfo Goyeneche (LBI founding chairman from 1987 to 1993)
  • 2014: M. Eugenia Niemeyer (Academic Director from 1988 to 1991)
  • 2015: Dr. Walter Eckel (Director of the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) at Heidelberg University in Santiago from 2001 until today)
  • 2016: Dr. Alban Schraut (LBI Rector from 2008 to 2016)
  • 2017: Max Wachholtz
  • 2018: Ricardo Gevert

On the other hand, employees of the German Teacher Training Institute also received awards for cultural, social and academic merits:

  • 1991: Fritz Pichaida, LBI CEO from 1993 to 2002: Carlos Anwandter Medal of the German-Chilean Federation (DCB)
  • 1992: Klaus Rudek, LBI founding rector from 1987 to 1990: Comendador in the order of Bernardo O'Higgins
  • 1992: Klaus Rudek, LBI Rector from 1987 to 1990: Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 1996: Gerold Halm, LBI Rector from 1991 to 1996: Philippi badge of the German-Chilean Federation
  • 2001: Rudolfo Goyeneche, LBI founding chairman of the board from 1987 to 1993: Carlos Anwandter Medal of the German-Chilean Federation
  • 2001: Robert Metzler, LBI Rector from 1997 to 2000: Philippi badge of the German-Chilean Federation
  • 2001: Sister Angela Gandner, LBI board member from 1995 to 2011: Philippi plaque of the German-Chilean Federation
  • 2008: Kurt Hellemann, LBI board member since 2001 until today and chairman of the board since 2014: Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 2009: Marietta Schwermann, LBI kindergarten course director and lecturer since 2008: Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 2009: Monika von Moldovanyi, LBI theater lecturer since 2008: Carlos Anwandter Medal of the German-Chilean Federation
  • 2012: Alban Schraut, LBI Rector from 2008 to 2016: Philippi badge of the German-Chilean Federation
  • 2013: Adelheid Opitz, LBI board member since 2008: Carlos Anwandter Medal of the German-Chilean Federation


  • Bormann, Hanne (Red.) 2002: Instituciones chileno-alemanas, alemanas, suizas y austríacas en chile, ed. Liga Chileno-Alemana, Santiago, pp. 127-130
  • Condor 1988 to today, see articles at:
  • Deutsch-Chilenischer Bund (Ed.) 1991: The influence of German pedagogy in Chile, in: Chile und die Deutschen, Santiago, pp. 43–53
  • German-Chilenischer Bund (Ed.) 1999: German-Chilean Institutions im Blickfeld, Santiago, pp. 158–161
  • German Teacher Training Institute (ed.) 2008: Festschrift "20 years / 20 años German Teacher Training Institute Wilhelm von Humboldt", Santiago
  • Helbig, Gerhard, u. a. 2001: The German Teacher Training Institute Wilhelm von Humboldt, in: German as a Foreign Language, Berlin, p. 1459
  • Krebs, Andrea; Sister Úrsula Tapia; Schmid Peter 2001: The German Teacher Training Institute Wilhelm von Humboldt, in: DCB (ed.): The Germans and the German-Chilean Community in the History of Chiles, Santiago, pp. 207–210
  • Niemeyer, Eugenia 1989: El Instituto Professional Aleman "Wilhelm von Humboldt", in: Müschen, Rolf, F. (Ed.): La Enseñanza del Aleman en Chile, Santiago, pp. 95-98
  • Schraut, Alban 2015: "Learn to think for yourself". Concepts of meaningful and sustainable teacher training using the example of the German Teacher Training Institute Wilhelm von Humboldt in Santiago de Chile, in: Holzbrecher, Alfred; Over, Ulf (ed.): Handbook of intercultural school development, Weinheim u. a .: Beltz, pp. 363-370

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. LBI becomes Escuela de Pedagogía en Alemán at the Universidad de Talca . In: German-Chilean Newspaper - Periódico Chileno-Alemán . July 30, 2015 ( [accessed May 26, 2017]).
  2. Admisión 2017 - Universidad de Talca. Retrieved May 26, 2017 (English).
  3. Escuela de Pedagogías en Alemán entregó nuevos graduados - Universidad de Talca. Retrieved May 26, 2017 .