Association for the promotion of the Egyptian Museum Berlin

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The Association for the Promotion of the Egyptian Museum Berlin eV is an association founded in 1973 to promote the Egyptian Museum in Berlin .


It is a non-profit organization that supports the Egyptian Museum in all areas of its work. Among other things, he finances the restoration of depot holdings in order to be able to include them in the display collection and played a key role in the expansion of the Marstall, which doubled the exhibition area of ​​the holdings of the collection, which were formerly kept in West Berlin . Furthermore, the association supports the research work of the museum and participates in the financing of the museum's excavations, for example in the ruined city of Naqa in northern Sudan . In addition, the collection owes a number of new acquisitions to the association, which can be recognized by the abbreviation VÄGM in front of the inventory number. The objects acquired by the association for the museum include a statue head of Amenhotep III from the 18th dynasty . and a figure of Prince Thutmose on the embalming bed, a statue torso from the 12th dynasty and a group of six-figure group of fruit carriers, a mummy mask of the Ta-scherit-en-Hor and the statuette of a falcon made of gold date from the Ptolemaic period and from the Roman Empire, the coffin of a woman and four mummy masks of a noble Egyptian family.

The Association for the Promotion of the Egyptian Museum Berlin eV sees itself in the tradition of James Simon , who financed excavations in Abusir and Amarna and who donated the objects allocated to him from the divisions, including the Amarna collection with the world-famous bust of Nefertiti , to the Berlin museums.

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