Association of Notaries' Employees

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Association of Notarial Employees eV
purpose Safeguarding, representing and promoting the professional, economic and social interests of all its members as well as the employees and trainees of notaries and lawyers
Chair: Andreas Hügen (CEO)
Establishment date 1946
Seat : Cologne , Germany

The Vereinigung der Notariatsangestelten eV ( VDN ) is the organization for the protection, representation and promotion of the professional, economic and social interests of its members as well as the employees and trainees of the notaries and lawyer-notaries . VDN is in close contact with the Rhineland Chamber of Notaries and the notaries.


On January 16, 1946, notarial employees from various cities in the Rhineland gathered in the former business premises of the Cologne Chamber of Notaries in order to re-establish the professional association in continuation of the former notarial assistant association that had existed in Cologne since 1901 . The association was given a statute and the name: Association of notarial employees in the district of the Rheinische Notarkammer eV

The association was entered in the register of associations of the Cologne District Court in 1946 . Because the association was able to gain more and more members who were not active in the area of ​​the Rhineland Chamber of Notaries , the name of the association was changed to VDN Vereinigung der Notariatsangestellen eV in 1983 .

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Coordinates: 51 ° 22 ′ 46.5 ″  N , 6 ° 36 ′ 1.9 ″  E