Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

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The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan , also known as the 1973 Constitution, is Pakistan's supreme law. It was drafted by the government under Zulfikar Ali Bhutto with additional support from the opposition parties and approved by parliament on April 10, 1973 and ratified on August 14, 1973.


The founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah , explained the main features of the Pakistani constitution in a speech. According to Jinnah, the constitution should contain the basic principles of Islam and be democratically oriented. Pakistan was founded in 1947. In March 1949, under pressure from Islamic clergy, a commission was to work out a resolution that would give the first basic features of a Pakistani constitution. The resolution united democratic principles and emphasized the role of Islam in the constitution. The resolution serves as a preamble to every previous Pakistani constitution. The first Pakistani constitution was passed in 1956, but was repealed in 1958 after a military coup . Pakistan's second constitution was passed in 1962. This constitution transferred government power to the president and abolished the office of prime minister. The second constitution also stipulated that the president and defense minister must be members of the military.

The third constitution of 1973 was the first constitution passed by politicians. As a counterpart to the 1962 constitution, the constitution stipulated that government power rests with the prime minister and the president only fulfills a representative function. The 1973 Constitution also states that all laws passed must be in accordance with the principles of Islam. This requirement was implemented through the establishment of a Sharia court and a commission. Pakistan's 1973 constitution was repealed after a coup in 1977 and reinstated in 1985. The eighth amendment added transferred government power from parliament and prime minister to the president. The presidential system of government was thus introduced. This regulation was continued until 2004. Asif Ali Zardari lifted the rule in 2010, and power was returned to the Prime Minister.

Individual evidence

  1. Historical Dictionaries of Islam p. 231
  2. The Objectives Resolution and the Enduring Question of Minority Rights in Pakistan (English)
  3. Constitution of Pakistan 1962 (English)
  4. ^ Islam, Law and Identity