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Treason is a particularly serious breach of trust that violates the assumed loyalty . The meaning of the word treason has varied. While the medieval understanding did not differentiate between the betrayal of a person and an ideal thing, today's understanding of betrayal is more differentiated and implies a negative connotation . Existing definitions of treason appear to be inadequate, however, and a theory of treason as such is only partially formulated. A person who has committed treason is known as a traitor . In individual cases, secrets can be revealed to other beneficiaries, or in general a person or group can be left in the lurch (compare desertion in the military).



In Germany there are criminal offenses of high treason against the federal government according to § 81 StGB , of high treason against a state according to § 82 StGB, and in the case of lawyers towards their clients there is also party betrayal according to § 356 StGB. One sub-case is betrayal of secrets . Until it was discontinued, the first title of Section 1 of the Criminal Code was called Peace Treason and contained the penal norms for preparing for a war of aggression (Section 80 of the Criminal Code, old version) and for inciting a war of aggression (Section 80a of the Criminal Code, old version)


In Austria there are criminal offenses of high treason ( Sections 242 to 248 StGB) and treason ( Sections 252 to 258 StGB).


Swiss criminal law knows treason as well as treason . When it comes to treason, a distinction is made between military and diplomatic treason.

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: betrayal  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wikiquote: Treason  - Quotes