Attempt (Italian criminal law)

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The attempt ( Italian tentativo ) is in the criminal law of Italy a stage of the criminal offense. It is regulated in Art. 56 of the Codice Rocco .


A legal definition can be found in Article 56, Paragraph 1 of the Italian Criminal Code

“Art. 56. Delitto tentato. Chi compie atti idonei, diretti in modo non equivoco a commettere un delitto, risponde di delitto tentato, se l'azione non si compie o l'evento non si verifica. "

"Anyone who carries out appropriate acts that are clearly aimed at the commission of a crime is responsible for attempting the crime if the act is not carried out or if it is unsuccessful."

The experiment therefore requires two elements:

  1. idoneità , the suitability of the act and
  2. univocità , aiming in a clear way.


  • Manfred Maiwald: Introduction to Italian criminal law and criminal procedure law . Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2009, § 11 Special manifestations of the offense.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Translation: Manfred Maiwald: Introduction to Italian criminal law and criminal procedure law . Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2009, p. 126 .