Verum index sui et falsi

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"Est enim verum index sui et falsi " wrote Baruch Spinoza in his 74th letter to Albert Burgh , with which he replied to his letter of September 10, 1675: Because the truth is the touchstone of himself and of falsehood . He expressed himself similarly in the 2nd book of his ethics : “Sane sicut lux se ipsam et tenebras manifestat, sic veritas norma sui et falsi est”, “Truly as light reveals itself and darkness, so is truth the norm of itself like the wrong one . "

The use of the term by Karl Marx

In his first published essay, Karl Marx criticized remarks about the latest Prussian censorship instructions, etc. a. Article II sentence 1 of the Prussian Censorship Ordinance of October 18, 1819, which he quoted as follows: "According to this law, censorship should not prevent any serious and modest investigation of the truth, [...]" Marx commented: "The truth is as little humble as light, and against whom should it be? Against yourself? Verum index sui et falsi. So against untruth? "



  1. Benedicti de Spinoza Opera quae supersunt omnia, edited by Karl Hermann Bruder, vol. II. Leipzig 1844. p.351 ; Arthur Buchenau in Romanian. Leipzig 1907. p.234
  2. Ethica - Pars secunda - De natura et origine mentis , translation Arthur Buchenau 1841,
  3. originated in 1841/42, first printed in 1843
  4. In the original: "The censorship will not prevent any serious and modest investigation of the truth, [...]".
  5. Karl Marx: Comments on the latest Prussian censorship instruction. From a Rhinelander . In: Marx-Engels-Werke , Vol. 1: 1839–1844 , Dietz, Berlin, 10th ed. 1976, pp. 3–27, quoted on p. 6.