Management type
The management type or types describe the division of management according to different characteristics.
This classification can be based on the functional activity of the public administration, for example. The public administration understands itself as the "sum of all institutions and organized interdependencies which are maintained by the state , the municipalities and the public corporations created by them for the execution of public tasks" ( Thomas Ellwein , The government system of the Federal Republic of Germany, p. 307f) .
One distinguishes between:
- Order management
- Service management
- economic administration
- Organization management
- political administration
The types of administration are to be regarded as ideal types. Regulatory, service and economic administrations perform public tasks directly, i.e. directly on the citizen. The organizational administration is responsible for ensuring that the administration itself functions, while the political administration stands out as a decision-making aid for politics and its proximity to it.
See also: Intervention Management , Performance Management