Order management

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The part of public administration that implements laws and comparable regulations or controls whether these are observed by those affected is called regulatory administration . It is to be distinguished from service administration , which acts on the basis of laws. These definitions were coined in the 1980s by the political scientist Thomas Ellwein .

It is the task of the regulatory administration to maintain the existing order. It is strongly visible to the citizen and interferes with or protects freedoms. Regulatory administration institutions can impose burdens on the citizens, intervene with orders and coercion, and regulatory measures such as B. Impose fines. Traditionally, z. B. Police , health department and forestry department to this categorization. The services and measures of the authorities are immediate for the citizens.

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Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Ellwein, Wolfgang Brother: The Federal Republic of Germany: data, facts, analyzes. Ploetz, 1984, page 170.
  2. Klaus P. Wallraven, Carsten Gennerich: Senior Policy from the Actor Perspective : An Empirical Study of Members of Parliament and Members of the Administration. Springer-Verlag, 2013, page 30f; limited preview in Google Book search.
  3. Siegfried Kümpel, Horst Hammen: Stock exchange law: A systematic representation. Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2003, page 186; limited preview in Google Book search.