Wounded nest

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British wounded nest in World War I (1917)

A wounded nest is the first supply and collection point for a wounded, mostly near the Zugnest / " Zuggefechtsstand ". From the wounded nest, they are taken over by the troop medical service with medical personnel, in severe cases also by the mobile medical team (BAT), who then take them to the rescue station, formerly the troop first aid station (TVP).

The follow-up care then takes place in the rescue center, formerly the main first aid station of the brigade , then in a field hospital of the division or the basic territorial organization.

Wound nests are indicated by white flags with or without a red cross. According to the Geneva Convention , it is forbidden to shoot at marked wounded nests.

Even emergency services like fire brigade , technical relief and other form in disasters locally Wounded nests, which then but casualty holding are called.
