Villano de las Encartaciones

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Villano de las Encartaciones
Villano de las Encartaciones
Not from the FCI recognized
Origin :


Withers height:

Females average 56 cm,
males average 58.5 cm

List of domestic dogs

Villano de Encartaciones is a breed of dog from Las Encartaciones ( Bizkaia , Basque Country ).


The mostly reddish-gray dog ​​was used by farmers to catch cattle in the mountains.


The breed is listed as a Spanish breed by the FAO . The population of the breed is given as 100–1000 animals in 2005 and is estimated to be stable. Still, the breed is considered endangered.

Individual evidence

  1. a b M. Gómez, I. Amezaga: Conservation of livestock genetic resources in Euskadi (Basque Country)
  2. Entry on Villano de las Encartaciones in DAD-IS

Web links

Commons : Villano de las Encartaciones  - Collection of images, videos and audio files