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Virnzel was a volume measure for dry goods. Different values ​​characterize the Virnzel. Depending on the painter and differentiated according to the type of grain was general

The dimensional chain was

  • Roggenmalter 1 Malter = 8 Virnzel = 32 Sester / Vierling = 128 Quart / Mässchen = 10,747.9 Parisian cubic inches = 213.2 liters
  • 1 barley painter = 11944.25 Parisian cubic inches = 23697 liters
  • 1 oat malt = 16621 Parisian cubic inches = 329.7 liters

Special dimensions were

  • 1 Dom-Korn-Virnzel = 8.319 Metzen (Prussian = 3.511 liters until 1816) = 29.21 liters
  • 1 Dom-Hafer-Virnzel = 11.478 Metzen (Pruss.)
  • 1 Dom-Gersten-Virnzel = 9.4765 Metzen (Pruss.)
  • 1 Palast-Korn-Virnzel = 8.6081 Metzen (Pruss.)


  • Christian Noback, Friedrich Noback: Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios, the government papers, the exchange and banking system and the customs of all countries and trading venues. Volume 2, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 1246.