Virtual Reality Security Based Training System

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Virtual Reality Security Based Training System ( VRBT ) is a training method for emergency services in the field of disaster relief and extreme threat scenarios . The training method and the associated standardized CAST curriculum for emergency personnel training - of which it is the main component - were developed as part of the CAST EU project . The training method is based on VRST technology.


  • The VRBT training program supports and trains EU emergency services using 3D model scenarios, biofeedback sensors and smell cinema to better cope with extreme stressful situations in disaster relief or terror scenarios and environmental disasters, in order to prevent trauma and to increase the safety of the emergency services and the quality of the operations themselves. The training program lasts 5 days.
  • The CAST curriculum , the main component of which is VRBT. This is the standardized training for EU emergency services, the core of which is virtual training.

CAST curriculum

The curriculum contains the following components:

  • Assessment of the situation and analysis of organizational and institutional framework conditions
  • Derivation of requirements, deployment planning
  • Best practice strategies
  • Best 'practice technologies
  • Exercise units and supervision with the Virtual Reality Security Based Training System (VRBT)

Web links

Individual evidence
