Visi On

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Visi On (partly also VisiOn ) was a graphical user interface from the software manufacturer Visicorp for MS-DOS .

Visi On was presented to the public for the first time at COMDEX 1982. The first official version developed for MS-DOS 2.0 was released in December 1983. Visi On was the first graphical user interface for the IBM PC .

It ran on computers with an Intel 8086 processor and required a hard drive with at least 5  MB of memory, as well as 512 KB of RAM . Visi On also required a CGA graphics card on which it ran with a resolution of 640 × 200 in monochrome mode. A mouse was necessary for operation.

Visi On already brought some applications with VisiOn Word , VisiOn Graph and VisiOn Calc (not to be confused with Visicalc ). It was possible to run several application programs at the same time. However, Visi On could not run normal DOS applications.

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