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With VoVPN ( Voice over VPN ) a VoIP connection can be tunneled through a VPN network . This is useful if you want to encrypt VoIP traffic, for example if a public network such as the Internet is used for transmission. This makes it much more difficult for attackers to eavesdrop on the conversation.

VoVPN was developed primarily because the protocols used up to that point, such as RTP, did not support encryption. However, it is not a separate protocol, but merely describes a procedure for embedding VoIP streams in the VPN protocol.

Since August 14, 2006, VoVPN has been recognized as a registered brand name of the German company Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH, a subsidiary of Funkwerk AG .

The quality of the VoIP connection can be improved by tunneling using an SSL-based VPN.

Individual evidence

  1. Strangely, SSL VPNs can help VoIP call quality (Retrieved April 26, 2010)
  2. Test shows VoIP call quality can improve with SSL VPN links (Retrieved April 26, 2010)