Project-related development plan

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The project-related development plan is a special form of the development plan . This is used when an already precisely defined project is to be implemented by a developer ( investor ). The project and development plan is drawn up between the developer and the municipality on the basis of the building code(§ 12) agreed. The municipality regulates the development measures to be carried out with the investor via an implementation contract. Individual areas outside the area of ​​the project and development plan can be included in the project-related development plan. This newer instrument of urban development law has its origin in Section 55 of the Building Planning and Approval Ordinance (BauZVO) of the GDR. It was incorporated into the BauGB through the unification agreement , but initially only applied to the new federal states. From 1993 to 1998 this provision was extended to the entire federal territory for a limited period and finally by the Building and Spatial Planning Act (BauROG) 1998 together with the project and development plan Incorporated into the BauGB for an unlimited period of time and integrated into general city law.

Differences to common building plans

  • The initiative comes from the developer.
  • The developer prepares the urban planning and undertakes to implement it and to assume the planning and development costs.
  • The developer must have the planned area.
  • The municipal responsibility for urban planning remains unaffected.
  • The project and development plan of the investor is not subject to the building use ordinance and not the plan sign ordinance .
  • From the municipal side, determinations can be made in more detail than in normal development plans. The assessment catalog has no meaning.

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